Emotional Suffering: How To Overcome It?

Emotional suffering doesn’t have to turn into something that affects us so much that it becomes part of who we are. You can go through this suffering, overcome it, and move on.
Emotional suffering: how to overcome it?

We all went through an experience at some point that caused emotional pain. But is there a way to overcome emotional suffering ?

Every time we go through something difficult, we usually hear from people around us: “You will see, it will be better”, “You will feel better soon”, “come on, don’t cry”. Unfortunately, in most cases it doesn’t help us at all.

Today we are giving you five tips for overcoming emotional suffering that does not include running away from or ignoring your problems. Instead, we’ll tell you how to tackle it in the best way. Find out what steps are worth taking.

1. Admit: “I am going through a difficult period causing emotional suffering for me”

What happens when we feel bad but someone asks us, “how are you?” Be honest: you usually lie when you say everything is fine and sometimes you even add “as always”.

However, to overcome emotional suffering, you need to be honest. It is not the worst thing in the world to admit that everything is not alright, that you are not feeling well and that you are suffering.

The partners talk honestly

You may think that admitting this is looking for pity, and sometimes you even have phrases like, “I’m not looking for your pity”. However, being honest with those around you and telling them how we really feel allows us to recognize our suffering, rather than deny it or ignore it.

So, instead of avoiding emotions, you accept them.

2. Where is your emotional suffering coming from?

Your emotional distress may come from something that is not always clear to you. What caused these emotions to start? How are you? What are you doing in response to this?

Taking the time to analyze what happened to us from different angles and work your way through the stages of suffering will allow you to discover its origins. Perhaps it was because of a childhood trauma or a loss that you still can’t come to terms with.

3. Start encouraging yourself with your words

As you slowly overcome emotional suffering and start to look back, you realize how many times you have mistreated yourself. Perhaps you have repeated in your head “I’m worthless”, “everyone is better than me”, “look who’s complaining” or even “I’m stupid”.

Thinking like that definitely doesn’t help, but at times like this we become very critical of ourselves. And this, instead of helping us move forward, pushes us towards depression, anguish and even more suffering.

Emotional suffering - a woman screams in front of a mirror

That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself and treat yourself with respect. What do you say to others when they have a hard time? You’re giving them words of encouragement, aren’t you? Well, that has to be done with yourself as well .

4. Value those around you

When you are going through a difficult time, you sometimes need solitude and don’t want others to be around. However, even though you often focus on your feelings, it is important to be aware of those around you.

They may be people who are by your side, whose mere presence makes you feel better, who are there to help you lift you up when you fall.

Appreciate those people who, even if they don’t understand what you are going through, are still there for you.

5. Go to a specialist: he or she will help you feel better

Many people are reluctant to visit a psychologist. They think that they will be able to overcome emotional suffering on their own and that they will learn from their experiences. Very often, subconsciously, we automatically have a negative attitude towards visiting a psychologist.

Emotional suffering - a woman at a psychologist's couch

Going to a psychologist allows us to breathe in fresh air, leave negative thoughts and feelings behind us, and believe that everything will be fine again. However, it is a long process and we often have to be patient.

Emotional suffering doesn’t have to turn into something that affects us so much that it becomes part of who we are. You can go through this suffering, overcome it, and move on. Have you ever tried to overcome emotional suffering on your own? Maybe one of our tips will help you.

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