Exercises For Back Pain – Try Them Out With Us!

It is important to be mindful of the severity of your pain when you are doing a particular back pain exercise to avoid worsening the condition.
Exercises for back pain - try them out with us!

Back pain is very common nowadays . Exercise for back pain may be necessary for us. Work-related stress, a rushed life, a sedentary lifestyle, uncontrolled physical exertion, and a lack of adequate information mean that many people suffer from daily back pain, which can become chronic.

Basically, if your pain is caused by poor posture, we recommend that you do exercise. Stretching can relieve tension and pain. In the article below, we will look at the activity of back pain exercises.

1. Relaxation and breathing

The first step is to relax and release the muscle tone.  To do this, find a suitable location that should, if possible, be free from any distractions and that will help you feel good.

Each exercise requires the right position. In any case, however, you must consciously relax your muscles and concentrate on your breathing.

exercises for back pain

These rules apply to every exercise. You don’t have to force yourself to do it. Pay attention to the air entering your body, hold it briefly in your lungs and let it out.

2. Exercises for back pain in the cervical area

The cervical region begins at the base of the skull. It is the top of the spine that is often affected by back pain. We recommend that you do these exercises in a sitting position, keeping your spine straight and upright. If possible, lean on the back of the chair.

Do one of the exercises described below. Twenty repetitions should be enough.

exercises for back pain - neck
  • Close your eyes and slowly move your head back and forth trying to touch your chin with your chest. Control your breathing so that your movements are in harmony with it.
  • In the same position, rotate your head left to right and right to left as if you were trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.
  • Raise and lower your arms.
  • Raise both hands vertically upwards at the same time. Join your fingers and stretch your arms up as high as you can.
  • In a sitting position, rest your hands on your lap. Draw one hand along the leg to the torso and continue by turning your arm. Do the exercise with one hand at a time.

3. Exercises for back pain in the chest area

The chest area is the part of the spine that controls the cervical region. It is about the area at the level of the chest.

exercises for back pain - chest

Some recommended exercises are:

Forward curvature of the spine

  • First, support yourself on the floor on your hands and knees. Look at the floor.
  • Then slowly pull in your abs as you try to gently round your back.
  • Relax, return to the previous position and repeat the exercise.

Stretching 1

  • First, while standing, relax your body, place your hands on your back at hip level.
  • Then slowly lean forward, feeling your back stretch.

Stretching 2

  • While standing in the same position as the first stretch, bring your left hand to your head.
  • Then bend your arm at the elbow and place your hand on the back of your head.
  • Then slowly pull your left elbow with your right hand until you feel a stretch.
  • Finally, return to the first position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

4. Exercises for back pain in the lumbar region

back pain - lumbar

The lumbar region is the lower part of the spine. Very often we may feel pain in the lower back after carrying heavy things or after sitting for a long time.

You can try the following exercises:

Exercise for the loins 1

  • Lie on your back. Bend your left knee, trying to keep your hips steady.
  • At the same time, raise your right leg. Try to keep your knees straight and don’t lift your hips off the floor.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds, then come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise three times for each leg.

Exercise on the loins 2

  • Lie on your back, bend both legs at the knees, keeping your feet on the floor.
  • Keeping one foot on the floor, bring the knee of the other leg up to your chest. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Exercise for the loins 3

  • First, lie on your back.
  • Then put a small ball under your lower back.
  • Slide on the ball using your body weight as a load.

Other comments

Check these factors and try a simple set of exercises. This will help relieve back pain that affects many people. There are also many effective natural remedies.

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