Eye Solution With Oxymetazoline – Important Information

Doctors prescribe an oxymetazoline solution to relieve the symptoms of red eyes. However, there are some side effects of this preparation. There may also be interactions that you should be aware of and consider.
Eye solution with oxymetazoline - important information

Preparations with oxymetazoline for the eyes act locally and cause the conjunctival blood vessels to contract. Technically, oxymetazoline is a sympathomimetic drug with direct action and α-adrenergic agonist activity. Vasoconstriction is due to the direct action of the drug on the α-2a receptors of the vascular endothelium.

The substance is fast acting within minutes after application. The effect lasts for a relatively long time, up to six or more hours after administration. The likelihood of side effects in the form of re-congestion is relatively small.

In today’s article, we will present information about drugs with oxymetazoline , their action and effect on the human body.

Eye medications with oxymetazoline – how to use them

This drug is used to symptomatically alleviate the reddening effect of the eyes. Doctors prescribe it in cases of slight eye irritation due to allergies, fatigue and other factors.

The woman drops her eye with the drug containing oxymetazoline

The optimal dose for adults and children over 6 years of age is one or two drops every eight hours. The preparation is instilled into the conjunctival sac of the irritated eye. To properly apply the solution, pull down the upper and lower eyelids as you pry them and drop a drop on the lower eyelid looking up and to the side.

Be careful not to touch the eye with the dropper. Also, don’t touch it with your fingers. Try to keep your eye open and not blink for a few seconds. If symptoms persist after three days of using the preparation, stop the treatment and consult a doctor.

Preparations with oxymetazoline for the eyes – contraindications

Preparations with oxymetazoline for the eyes should not be used in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance, any of the excipients of the preparation or other sympathomimetics.

In addition, the substance should not be used by people with angle-closure glaucoma and people who have a genetic predisposition to this disease. The use of these preparations is not recommended in patients with uncontrolled hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hyperglycaemia and hypothyroidism.

Precautions when using preparations with oxymetazoline

Frequent or prolonged use may lead to greater absorption of the drug and systemic side effects may occur. Particular care should be taken in the following cases:

  • Having angina or taking digoxin
  • treatment with antidepressants,
  • people with arterial hypertension taking methyldopa,
  • taking phenothiazine,
  • people with prostate diseases,
  • severe eye inflammation,
  • persons under 18 years of age.

Be aware that people who abuse ophthalmic oxymetazoline preparations may develop dependence. Then, chronic hyperemia may occur, which only disappears after using the preparation.

Also, if you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before using the substance. Wait about 15 or 20 minutes before putting the lens back in your eye.

There is no data on whether oxymetazoline has a negative effect in pregnant or lactating women. In addition, doctors still have not determined whether oxymetazoline passes into breast milk. However, possible systemic absorption should be taken into account.

Side effects

There is a possibility of occasional side effects after ocular use of oxymetazoline, such as eye irritation and pain.

Eye drops

Moreover, excessive or prolonged use may lead to systemic absorption and overstimulation of the central nervous system (CNS). It can lead to paradoxical depression, cardiovascular collapse, shock and even coma.

Suppression of CNS functions such as somnolence, low body temperature, hypotension, apnea, and unconsciousness can also occur .

Oxymetazoline interactions in the eyes

Pharmacological interactions with ocular use of oxymetazoline may occur in the following situations:

  • For people who have been taking tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or methyldopa, or have been taking tricyclic antidepressants, or have previously (in the last two weeks).
  • In people being treated with phenothiazine or anti-asthma medications such as adrenergic bronchodilators.
  • If you are using multiple eye solutions at the same time period, wait at least 5 minutes between using each type of eye drop.
  • It should be remembered that after opening the container, the shelf life of the preparation is 28 days. However, if you want to keep the drops longer, keep them away from light and at a temperature below 28 degrees.


Oxymetazoline eye drops are used to relieve the symptoms of red eyes. Do not use the preparation for more than three days. If, after this period of use, you do not notice any visible improvement, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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