Face Masks That Will Take Your Years Away

Honey is an excellent ingredient that provides your skin with valuable nutrients. In addition to helping to fight premature wrinkles and adding radiance to the skin, it is also your great ally in the fight against acne.
Face masks that will take your years away

Take the time each week to make these homemade facial masks and rejuvenate your skin naturally. The effects will surprise you!

In this article, we’ll show you some recipes for wonderful homemade masks with powerful antioxidant properties. They will restore your skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Subtract your face years by following these steps

In order to carry out the treatment effectively, we need to take into account a few guidelines. They are designed to treat our skin gently and keep our overall health safe.

  • Apply the masks indicated by us once or twice a week to clean and dry skin.
  • Leave it on your face for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Do not do anything else while you are wearing the mask. Turn off the lights, lie down and relax. Let it be pleasant and relaxing for you.
  • You can put two wet cotton swabs dipped in steamed chamomile or rose water on the closed eyelids. Two cucumber slices are also a good idea .
  • Remove the masks from the face with warm or cold water, but always gently and gently, without irritating the skin.
  • Then apply a moisturizing tonic and lotion, combining it with a gentle massage from the neck up.
Natural masks

Rejuvenating masks: Avocado and oatmeal

This green mask is ideal for skin mixed and dry , prone to wrinkles and flaking. Avocados are a fruit rich in essential fatty acids, which give skin shine and elasticity, and oats soothe and moisturize without unnecessary lubrication.

Mash up a bit of a very ripe avocado and mix it with a little oatmeal to make a paste that is homogeneous and won’t slip off your face easily.

Avocado mask

Banana and brewer’s yeast mask

This delicious mask is suitable for combination skin or skin full of impurities and pimples. Provides hydration while cleaning the skin of blackheads, acne, etc.

Ripe bananas are high in potassium, a mineral that helps prevent wrinkles. Also, if we have acne, we should know that we can use banana peel to cleanse our complexion overnight. We just need to wipe the infected area of ​​the face with the inside of the banana peel.

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent skin cleanser. We can drink them as a supplement to our diet and at the same time make cleansing masks from time to time. In this way, we will intensify the effect, complete the treatment and achieve even better results.

Clay and yogurt

People who want to prevent wrinkles but have combination or oily skin can try this mask as a sebum-regulating agent without drying out the skin. The combination of clay and yoghurt is perfect for your skin.

Clay is a natural medicine that provides the skin with essential minerals while deeply cleansing it of impurities. However, for some people, it dries out less oily areas of the face, which causes unpleasant side effects and discomfort.

Clay and yoghurt mask

For this reason, combining it with yogurt instead of water will help keep the skin’s natural moisture content.

You can use green or pink clay. The most important point is not to forget that we cannot use metal or plastic containers and dishes, since in such conditions the clay loses its properties. Try rather to choose glass, wood, ceramics, etc.

Honey and rice milk

This sweet type of mask is suitable for all skin types. Honey is a natural food product that provides numerous benefits for the health and condition of our skin. It helps to eliminate premature wrinkles and scars, and also gives the skin glow and vitality.

Rice milk was one of the more famous remedies used by Japanese women who used this grain in various ways to keep their face young.

Heat a little honey in a water bath (a bowl or pot placed in warm water) until it becomes liquid and mix with a small amount of rice milk.

Egg white and yolk

This mask is suitable for all skin types as it is very nourishing, but not greasy, and rejuvenates the face virtually instantly, giving it radiance at the same time.

The yolk deeply nourishes the skin thanks to its content of healthy fats. Protein, in turn, improves the appearance of the skin and makes it firm.

All we have to do is to carefully combine the egg white and yolk. We can, for example, use the moment when we prepare scrambled eggs and separate the yolks and proteins by a spoonful to make a mask. Thanks to this, you will not waste the rest of the egg.

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