Fat On The Belly – 7 Methods To Combat In 60 Days

If you combine regular exercise with a balanced diet, you’ll reduce the amount of fat around your waistline as well as your overall health. Find out more in this article!

Belly fat will not disappear in just two days or even in a month. You need to have a clear plan and follow it step by step to stay healthy and achieve your goal of getting rid of excess belly fat.

This goal goes far beyond the mere physical aspect. First of all, we are talking about heart health and avoiding any risks associated with it, such as heart attack, diabetes, high levels of triglycerides, etc.

There are some steps you need to take, and to make it easier for you, here are seven key things you can do to achieve results within two months. How about implementing measures that will help you fight belly fat today ?

1. Exercise in two daily cycles

If you want to burn belly fat in 60 days, you can’t just do aerobic exercise like walking. You also need endurance training so that you can perform abdominal and back exercises properly. Therefore, it is worth combining these two types of training.

Here are some examples.

Skipping rope and doing push-ups

Try exercising twice a day. Half an hour is enough as long as it is a high-intensity workout. You will be able to adjust the exercises to your level without exceeding your abilities or without exhausting yourself.

jumping rope burns belly fat
  • Start your exercise by jumping rope for five minutes at a slow pace.
  • Then do 5 push-ups.
  • Continue with this combination of exercises, slowly increasing the intensity.
  • Start doing abdominal exercises. At first, focus on tightening the muscles in this area of ​​the body.
  • It’s a good idea to spend half an hour on these exercises each day.

Cycling and swimming

After work, in the afternoon, try swimming or cycling a little. You don’t have to go to the gym if you don’t want to. The basic thing is willpower and use your imagination to do these exercises.

2. Importance of correct posture when you want belly fat to be less visible

While these are not exercises, the following tips will help you keep your belly in good shape.

A fit woman is standing on an exercise mat
  • Always keep your back straight when seated.
  • Avoid stretching your arms forward and tilting your head while walking.
  • Lift your chin, straighten your arms and back – this posture will give you more positive energy.

Your stomach will also benefit from improving your posture.

3. Yoga pose – a dog with its head down

It is a simple and effective position. It’s not difficult or exhausting to perform, and incorporating this pose into your daily exercise will undoubtedly have countless benefits for you.

A dog with his head down
  • The head down dog pose is to support the weight of the body with the hands and feet on the floor.
  • This forces the abdomen to stabilize the body position, which causes tension and resistance. Keep it like that for at least two minutes.
  • Try to do this pose three times a day.

4. A nanas and papaya to reduce belly fat

You already know what physical exercises you should perform regularly in order to lose weight. But it also pays to find out which foods to include in your diet.

a glass of papaya smoothie - a remedy for belly fat

Start your day with an energizing salad of pineapple, papaya and chia seeds. Such a tasty and healthy breakfast improves digestion, fights inflammation, and also promotes the loss of abdominal fat.

5. Say “yes” to purple fruit and red vegetables

Any food that is red or purple in color is rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant that stimulates metabolism and helps control fat levels.

These food products include:

  • Grapes
  • Eggplant
  • Cranberries
  • Beetroot
  • Red cabbage

6. Think about monounsaturated fatty acids

Foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are great for attacking belly fat. In addition to supporting cardiovascular health, it is very filling and energizing. Do you want to know examples of such foods?

  • An avocado
  • Olive oil, coconut oil, and cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Nuts and pistachios
  • Sardines
  • Tofu

7. Eat foods high in insoluble fiber, and the fat will gradually disappear

Vegetable fiber will help you feel the Æ satiety, so you will not be nibbled between meals. The plant’s fiber also helps reduce bad cholesterol and fights constipation.

a bunch of asparagus

It’s a good idea to introduce more insoluble fiber into your diet.

It is worth trying the following products:

  • Vegetables (broccoli, beetroot, raw carrot, raw spinach, asparagus, beetroot, artichoke, pumpkin)
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas)
  • Grain (oats, rye)
  • Popcorn
  • Fruit (apples, bananas)

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