Fat On The Belly – Why Is It So Resistant?

In order to lose weight, you have to give up carbonated drinks completely. Never replace them with dietary ones! You will make your belly grow even more!
Belly Fat - Why Is It So Resistant?

How to get rid of this terrible belly fat once and for all ? We are convinced that you have already tried everything – dozens of diets, exhausting exercises, large amounts of water … And what? No effects, right?

Why is this happening? Why – despite our efforts – the results are invisible? Today we will explain to you what you should keep in mind to be able to effectively reduce belly fat

1. Fat becomes our obsession

When we want to lose weight, we convince ourselves that we need to avoid temptation and keep our fat intake to a minimum.

Do you think this is actually a good idea? That we should completely abandon fat-containing products? It doesn’t quite work that way. We explain why:

Fresh avocados - healthy fat
  • Fat is unequal to fat. There are some that are necessary for our body. For example, monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • Generally, the mistake we make is replacing fats with carbohydrates. In the long run, however, this is counterproductive.
  • In order to lose unnecessary kilograms, our body needs an adequate level of fatty acids, the so-called “healthy fats”. We can find them, for example, in avocados, olive oil or nuts. If eaten daily, they will support your diet and are very filling!

2. Our well-being and belly fat

How is your mood during slimming diets? Most often, we are overwhelmed by excessive stress and even sadness. It’s such a little emotional mix.

The desire to look better is combined with everyday stress and a feeling of hunger. We cannot afford this “Little Something” that always made us feel better.

According to a study by the  Rush University Medical Center  in Chicago (USA), it is normal for sad and stressed women to accumulate fat in the abdominal area. Therefore, you must remember that it is just as important to take care of your diet as it is of your own emotions! 

3. How is your magnesium level?

We have written many times on our website about the importance of magnesium for the body. Did you know that it also plays a major role in weight loss?

  • Regular consumption of magnesium helps our body to balance sugar and insulin levels.
  • As you already know, magnesium is ubiquitous in nuts and dried fruits, almonds, legumes and grains. You can also reach for ready-made supplements, readily available in pharmacies and health food stores.

4. Do you drink “light” drinks? – Belly fat won’t go away!

This is the most common mistake. When we are on a slimming diet, instead of completely giving up carbonated drinks, we reach for the “diet” ones. And here you go: they are what keep belly fat so well.

Remember:  to lose weight, you must give up carbonated drinks altogether. Never replace them with dietary ones! You will make your belly grow even more!

5. Are you over fifty and you don’t play sports?

After the age of 50, our metabolism changes dramatically and it is not easy for him to burn fat. Even though we try to control what we eat.

You should combine a healthy diet with daily exercise. However, it is not about lifting weights. You have to make your heart and lungs active. This is conducive to all the functions of your body.

This way you will reduce belly fat – your body will use it as a source of energy. Stop hesitating: go jogging, walking, cycling, dancing …

6. Are you eating enough “brightly colored” products?

Not sure what we mean by “vibrant color products”? A recent study published by the magazine The Journal of Nutrition  argue that those who every day eat food in red, orange and yellow , have a smaller stomach and does not collect the superfluous fat.

Fresh citrus fruits

Do you know what products are we talking about?

  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Red pepper
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin
  • Papaya
  • Carrots

Get started today! Go on a healthy and balanced slimming diet. You can lose the excess belly fat. You just need to know how. The most important thing is motivation and taking care of emotions.

It is worth remembering that excess body fat is very dangerous to our health. It is one of the main causes of heart attacks.

So what? Will you use our advice today?

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