Find Out How To Treat A Hiatus Hernia

In order to relieve the symptoms of hernia, you should limit the consumption of products with high acidity, and enrich your diet with products that reduce the acidity in the stomach.
Hiatal Hernia - How To Treat It?

A hiatal hernia  is a condition caused by part of the stomach moving into the chest through a gap called the hiatus. The most common symptoms include heartburn, acid reflux, pain and difficulty swallowing.

This type of hernia occurs in more and more people, currently affecting as much as 20% of the population. Fortunately, treatment can only be successful if you follow simple exercises and follow dietary guidelines.

What is a hiatal hernia?

Here are some factors that contribute to the weakening of the diaphragm and, as a result, to the appearance of a hernia:

  • muscle weakness associated with the aging of the body
  • troublesome cough
  • constipation
  • obesity
  • stress
  • smoking
  • hereditary factors

For hernia prophylaxis or treatment to be effective, it is important to avoid risk factors that can be influenced, such as quitting smoking, at all times.

Hiatal hernia – how to treat it?

In order to heal a hernia completely and effectively, there are two aspects to focus on – the causes and the symptoms.

  • Actions should be taken to strengthen the weakened muscles of the diaphragm.
  • Follow the advice that will help you relieve heartburn, acid reflux, pain and swallowing problems.

What and how to eat?

One of the bad habits that weaken the hiatus every day is eating in a hurry, without sufficiently long chewing. Eating too fast puts a lot of strain on our digestive system, especially the stomach.

So take care of proper “hygiene” of eating meals. Always eat sitting down, take your time and do not be too busy with the conversation. Also, don’t wait until the last moment to eat until you are starving.

Stimulate the diaphragm

The diaphragm is a muscle that needs to be strengthened and controlled. For example, people who sing or practice yoga often use special breathing techniques that allow them to use their diaphragm appropriately.

Instead of breathing air directly into the upper chest (into the lungs), it’s best to try and direct the air into your abdomen.

For example, in your daily life you might get into the habit of breathing exercises before meals. To do this, take short breaths and then direct the pressure inward towards the diaphragm. This simple exercise will help you strengthen your muscles.

A woman is practicing yoga in the forest

Products to relieve heartburn

To relieve symptoms associated with a hiatal hernia, such as heartburn and acid reflux, pay close attention to what you eat. It is worth giving up products with high acidity and those after which you do not feel well.

It’s best to avoid or limit your consumption of foods such as:

  • red meat and sausage
  • dairy
  • sugars
  • fried foods
  • processed food
  • White bread
  • nicotine
  • alcohol
  • coffee
  • spices such as cinnamon, ginger, pepper, and cloves
  • some types of tea
  • fast-food
Unhealthy burger

Hiatal hernia – products recommended in the diet

On the other hand, it is worth increasing the consumption of products that limit the excess of gastric juices:

  • Grapes:  These are some of the most alkalizing fruits, but avoid those high in pesticides.
A bunch of green grapes
  • Pineapple:  This fruit contains enzymes that improve digestion. However, it should not be mixed with certain carbohydrates (for example, bread, pasta, rice or cakes).
  • Cabbage:  Cabbage has a positive effect on the treatment of ulcers, but raw cabbage can be difficult to digest for some people. So cook the cabbage with a pinch of cumin or serve fresh with vinaigrette sauce. Sauerkraut can also be effective.
  • Peppers:  Peppers are part of the nightshade family and are great at fighting stomach problems such as a hiatal hernia.
  • Potatoes:  potatoes are a natural deacidifier. Their juice perfectly fights heartburn.
  • Lemon juice:  Although lemon is an acidic citrus, it has a neutralizing effect on stomach acid. Lemon juice should be included in your daily menu – you can add it to various dishes or mix it with water and drink it during the day.
  • Millet:  This is the only type of grain with an alkalizing effect. So let’s replace other grains, such as rice or wheat, with it.

A hiatal hernia can also be treated with pills and other supplements available at herbal and health food stores. Choose those that typically deacidify the body. It is enough to dissolve such a capsule in a glass of water, wait 10 minutes and drink it.

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