Four Homemade Masks Based On Baking Soda To Remove Blackheads From The Face

Blemishes and blackheads are usually caused by bacteria and dirt that accumulates on the skin. In today’s article, we present 4 baking soda masks that are cheap, easy to prepare and extremely effective.
Blackheads - 4 effective baking soda masks

Baking soda is great for exfoliating the epidermis, thoroughly cleansing the skin and removing blackheads. In addition, it helps to neutralize the pH, which can be changed by makeup and other cosmetics. When the skin’s pH changes, bacteria, sebum and blackheads appear .

Try our baking soda masks to remove blackheads. You will find that they are very easy to prepare and take good care of your skin.

Why do we use baking soda for blackheads?

  • Baking soda is a natural product that has no side effects as long as you don’t overuse it.
  • The foaming effect of baking soda helps to gently cleanse the skin and literally draws impurities from our pores. It is especially worth using if your pores are clogged.

1. Baking soda and water

baking soda for blackheads


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of water (30 ml)

Application method

  • Remove makeup and then cleanse your face with warm water to open pores.
  • Mix baking soda with water to make a paste.
  • Then apply it to the T zone and leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Massage for 2 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

2. Lemon juice and brown sugar mask

If you’ve been trying to remove blackheads without success for a while, try this exfoliant.

Blackhead mask application


  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)
  • 1/2 cup of lemon juice (125 ml)

Application method

  • Mix all ingredients and apply a mask on your face. However, make sure that it has been well cleaned beforehand.
  • Massage your face gently, paying special attention to your nose and chin.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

3. Baking soda and rosemary

Rosemary water softens and moisturizes the skin, and at the same time closes the pores. The smaller the pores, the less chance of toxins accumulating in them.

spa, mask application for blackheads

What’s more, rosemary water fights inflammation and is great for the care of delicate skin, gently cleansing it.


  • 2 tablespoons of warm rosemary water (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)

Application method

  • Clean your face with soap and water.
  • Mix rosemary water with baking soda and apply to blackheads.
  • Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft towel.

Apply a moisturizer and repeat the process three times a week.

4. Baking soda and milk

Baking soda contains acids that neutralize the alkalinity of the skin. When it comes to milk, its acids act as an exfoliant.

ingredients for the mask for blackheads


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of full-fat milk (15 ml)

Application method

  • Mix all ingredients together until a paste is made.
  • Then apply it to clean skin and leave it for 1 minute.
  • Rinse with warm water while massaging the skin of your face.
  • Use three times a week.

What should we remember when using masks for blackheads?

Baking soda is a very neutral substance, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid applying the mask to irritated areas or wounds. While most ingredients won’t cause any problems, they can irritate wounds. So it’s best to wait for them to heal. Usually it does not take more than 2-5 days. If your skin condition does not improve, see a dermatologist.
  • Don’t use these masks too often. If you apply them more often than recommended, they can irritate the skin. Even if the blackheads don’t go away as quickly as you expect, don’t exceed the recommendations.
  • It is quite normal for skincare products to start showing results only after three weeks of use.
  • Stop using these masks if they are contributing to any problems. Although none of the listed ingredients have shown side effects before, stop using them if they do.
  • Environmental factors and beauty products can contribute to a sudden onset of unwanted reactions.

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