Free Spirit – 7 Signs You’re One

Being a free spirit does not mean – contrary to popular belief – avoiding all responsibility or seeking constant carelessness. Being a free spirit is about living in harmony with yourself. Check if this is how you live.
A Free Spirit - 7 Signs You Are

A free spirit is one whose personality has reached a certain level of maturity and psychological abilities based on independence and security.

It’s not easy to come to this point in your personal development. It is related to the pyramid of needs developed by Abraham Maslow and published in 1943 in The Theory of Human Motivation.

A person known as a free spirit is not someone who wants to be free from all obligations. This common belief is far from the truth.

A free spirit is someone who has qualities, attitudes, and responses to reality that help him face adversity more easily. Check if you have these qualities.

1. You are not looking for approval for your choices, opinions and actions

Most of the time, people look for confirmation of the rightness of their choices in the opinion of other people. First, we want to be accepted by our parents, then by our peers, and then by the people we work with or form close relationships with.

When you finally come to the conclusion that you don’t need anyone’s approval anymore, and you can make any decisions just according to your needs, a free spirit is born within you.

2. You trust yourself and you are not afraid of life

Professionals in personal development and motivational psychology know very well that fear is a killer of opportunities in life.

free spirit - muted face

When you lose your fear of the future and stop seeing everything in black, you grow stronger to take on new challenges. 

It is said that happiness is hidden behind our fears. It is worth leaving the comfort zone, because it is outside of it that the best surprises await us. The more you do this, the more self-confident you will feel.

3. You are an authentic, courageous and spontaneous person

A free spirit is a sincere person who always tells the truth, even if the people around him would not like it. He is also a spontaneous person, making decisions based on his own feelings, without considering the acceptance of others.

You are also aware of your needs and values ​​and never give up on them.

4. You know what is worth fighting for

Contrary to popular belief, a free spirit is not someone escaping from commitments or seeking only a carefree life. Nothing could be more wrong.

The woman among the butterflies

Free spirit individuals simply know what is important to them and what they are ready to fight for. The rest just doesn’t matter to them.

5. Free spirit doesn’t get attached

Becoming attached to people, things or places is – from the point of view of personal development – one of the greatest enemies of freedom.

If you happen to get stuck in a relationship due to emotional dependence, it can kill your sense of separateness and independence. A free spirit is a person who can love but at the same time does not become addicted to anyone.

She gives her best when in a relationship, but at the same time knows that without a partner, she is also a happy and complete being.

6. A free spirit can enjoy small things

Among other things, freedom consists in the fact that you do not make your happiness dependent on things, especially those that could limit your development or the possibility of enjoying life.

free spirit and light in hand

You can enjoy freedom because you know what is important to you and understand that the most precious things we have in life are not material things, but our feelings and sense of happiness.

People who are busy and perpetually worried fail to appreciate the little things from which the free spirit draws strength to act.

7. Life is an inspiration to you and you are an inspiration to others

If you are a free spirit, you’ve probably heard the question of how you manage to live like this.

“You are always happy and you always have time for everything. You do a million different things and make me laugh forever … How do you do it? “

You may not know how to answer such a question because your philosophy of life has formed naturally and is simply part of you.

Sometimes a free spirit is born suddenly in people as a result of certain experiences or difficult experiences. However, it is always only your decision whether you want to adopt this approach to life.

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