Fridge – Clean It And Remove The Unpleasant Smell

To prevent our fridge from smelling unpleasantly, we should clean it with a few drops of tea oil, which – apart from its beautiful smell – also has disinfecting properties.
Refrigerator - clean it and remove any unpleasant odors

How do you keep your refrigerator clean and useful? We must admit that each of us has our own tricks and ways to take care of this important element of our home. After all, a refrigerator is something we use every day.

It turns out, however, that we all experience something unpleasant in this regard – we mean the unpleasant smell that accumulates in the refrigerator and makes even fruit and vegetables deteriorate noticeably faster.

Believe it or not, there are simple tricks to ensure that your refrigerator serves you as long as possible and the food stored in it is safe for you and your loved ones. The refrigerator and its cleaning will be the topic of today’s article – would you like to find out?

Refrigerator – why it is worth cleaning it ecologically

According to experts, the frequency of proper cleaning of our refrigerator does not exceed once a year for most households. It may sound boring, because we try to keep our house clean. It turns out, however, that the refrigerator needs something much deeper than just wiping its shelves with a damp cloth.

  • The point is that the refrigerator should be thoroughly and thoroughly cleaned. This will help us avoid food poisoning caused by contaminated food.
  • You should also install an ethylene filter, a small device containing zeolite and potassium manganese to help us remove ethylene gas from the refrigerator – the invisible enemy that makes our food spoil much faster.
  • It should also be remembered that – no matter how much we care about the cleanliness of our refrigerator – this device is extremely vulnerable to the accumulation of unpleasant odors.

Ecological, natural means that we will use to keep our refrigerator clean and hygienic are inexpensive and easily available in virtually every store. These are:

  • White vinegar
  • Lemon
  • baking soda
  • Hot water
  • Tea tree aromatic oil

We have mentioned many times in our articles about the benefits you can get from using these products in cleaning different areas of your home. So why not use them when cleaning your refrigerator? Really worth!

Refrigerator – how to clean it and remove unpleasant odors

Turn off the refrigerator

To avoid accidents and to make cleaning more convenient, the refrigerator should be disconnected from the power supply.

Full fridge

In this way, we will also be able to remove the ice and frost accumulated in the freezer. This will contribute to a deeper cleaning of the refrigerator.

Empty the refrigerator

The very act of taking all the products in the refrigerator out of the refrigerator forces us to take a closer look at what condition they are in. It is very likely that you will find some sauce there that is no longer suitable for consumption, or that you will find that the ketchup has expired last month.

It is really worth taking the time to take a closer look at the contents of our refrigerator. This will especially protect the youngest members of your family.

Refrigerator: we start by cleaning the shelves

  • The refrigerator is full of shelves and shelves, where – along with food scraps – you can find numerous contaminants and a source of bacteria. Take a close look at doors, shelves, recesses and nooks and crannies of your refrigerator.
  • To thoroughly clean this part of our refrigerator, we will use white vinegar.
  • It would be best to warm a liter of water and add half a cup of white vinegar. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and thoroughly clean these problematic nooks and crannies of the refrigerator.

Then we clean the drawers

Our refrigerator is now empty and its shelves are thoroughly washed. Now is the time to clean your drawers and storage tanks. This is where the remains of aging food usually accumulate, which we usually don’t know about.

baking soda
  • To disinfect and clean the drawers, we’re going to use baking soda.
  • Use a plastic box or a small bowl filled with hot water. Then add about half a cup (100 g) of baking soda to it. Stir thoroughly and vigorously clean the refrigerator drawers with a damp cloth or towel.

You will be amazed at what results you will achieve by doing this.

Refrigerator: how to clean its interior?

Now is the time to clean the inside of the refrigerator. This is the most important moment because in this way we will get rid of bacteria, microorganisms and unpleasant odors.

  • Most people think that all you need to do is clean the drawers and wash the shelves to keep the refrigerator sparkling clean. Nothing could be more wrong, because usually ethylene gas accumulates on the walls of the refrigerator, which is the source of the unpleasant odor.
  • At this stage of cleaning, we will heat the water again, then add half a glass of baking soda, lemon juice and 4 drops of tea tree oil to it. It is ideal for disinfecting and removing unpleasant odors.
  • Use a cloth or towel and clean the inside of the refrigerator thoroughly, paying attention to hard-to-reach corners. You will soon notice that the unpleasant smell has disappeared and is replaced by the pleasant fresh scent of tea oil.

Install an ethylene filter

Ethylene filters are in the form of eggs and are sold in a large number of stores. Their purpose is to eliminate the presence of ethylene gas from the refrigerator. The presence of this gas causes food products to mature too quickly, which contributes to their aging.

It can be of great help in taking care of your refrigerator.

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