Gall Bladder – 6 Warning Signs

Symptoms of gallbladder disorders are often confused with symptoms of other diseases. If they do not go away after a few weeks, see your doctor to find out the cause of the problem and get treatment.
Gall bladder - 6 warning signs

The gallbladder is a small organ located just below the liver. It is responsible for the production of bile – a substance that actively participates in the breakdown of fats supplied with food.

In addition, bile supports numerous other digestive functions in the body. Among other things, it breaks down harmful metabolic products remaining in the intestines. So if we do not properly take care of the gallbladder , it will not be able to perform its functions important for the entire body.

This causes an excessive accumulation of harmful substances that block the bile flow channels. As a consequence, there are a number of symptoms that should not be ignored. Otherwise, we can lead to serious, irreversible health consequences.

Learn about the symptoms characteristic of gallbladder disorders today. This knowledge will help you react in time and, if you notice similar problems, should prompt you to see a doctor. Later in this article, you’ll find six basic symptoms that should never be underestimated.

1. Gall bladder and gas and gas

As we mentioned earlier, the gallbladder is actively involved in digestive processes. It releases a substance, bile, which is primarily responsible for digesting and breaking down the fats you eat.

When the bile ducts become clogged or the bile cannot flow freely, digestive processes are seriously disturbed. They are then long, bothersome, bloating and uncomfortable intestinal gas.

Abdominal pain and the gallbladder

These problems are directly related to the excessive accumulation of waste products in the body. If these are not expelled in time, they begin to ferment and cause a wide variety of unpleasant ailments.

2. Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen

In addition to the abovementioned flatulence and intestinal gas, abdominal pain and a feeling of heaviness and fullness may also occur in the presence of gallbladder dysfunction.

In this case, the pain in the abdomen may spread to the right side of the back. Its source is in inflamed tissues, which cause indigestion and other digestive problems. The gallbladder suffers and we suffer with it.

Abdominal pain can be sudden and frequent. Usually it lasts for about 15 minutes, then disappears and reappears after some time. The next time, it may be stronger and last up to 12 to 15 hours.

It is imperative to see a doctor then, as this type of pain may be a symptom of gallstones in the bile ducts.

3. Nausea and dizziness

Nausea and dizziness – whatever their cause – should under no circumstances be ignored. Although there may be many sources of this problem. It often indicates problems with the proper functioning of the gallbladder.

Nausea and the Gallbladder

These ailments are related to the reduction of bile production. This in turn slows down the digestion of fats, which instead of being removed from the body start to build up in the gut and in the bloodstream.

Moreover, when stones form in the bile ducts, there is an increase in pressure in the stomach, resulting in nausea and dizziness.

4. Bad breath

Bad breath can have many different causes. Usually, it is caused by bacteria or a lack of proper oral hygiene.

  • In the latter case, disturbances in the digestive process are manifested by foul breath and a metallic aftertaste in the mouth. They cause great discomfort and decrease in self-esteem of people struggling with this unpleasant problem.
  • The accumulation of toxins in the digestive tract and low bile production are the main contributors to bad breath. The gallbladder is therefore more related to the oral cavity than we might think.

5. Loss of appetite

Sudden loss of appetite is always a sign that there is something wrong in our body. It can be a symptom of both chronic inflammatory diseases and digestive problems, originating from gall bladder disorders.

A girl eating without appetite and the Gall bladder
  • Lack of appetite for several days in a row is usually a symptom of inflammation of the bile ducts or the formation of stones in them.
  • As the disease progresses, the loss of appetite is accompanied by other symptoms, such as bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

6. Jaundice

When your skin or the whites of your eyes turn yellowish, see your doctor as soon as possible as your body may develop jaundice. The disease is caused by an excess of bile in the gallbladder. If it is not drained regularly, gallstones begin to form.

  • Remember that bile can circulate through the bloodstream throughout the body and reach all cells and tissues. Hence the yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes.
  • Jaundice is a serious disease that requires specialized treatment. Only a healthy gallbladder is able to ensure fast and efficient digestion of food.

At the end

Have you experienced any of the above symptoms? If so – and not one, but more – try to see a doctor as soon as possible and perform appropriate tests that will allow you to diagnose and determine the source of the problem.

If the diagnosis indicates a sick gallbladder, you should not hesitate to change your lifestyle to a healthier and more active one. Remember that drugs alone are not enough to restore normal digestive function. You should therefore start taking care of yourself by changing your daily diet and exercising regularly.

Specialists advise patients with gallbladder dysfunction to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and follow a healthy and balanced diet – low in unhealthy fats, sugars and empty calories.

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