Gastritis – 5 Bad Habits

Gastritis - 5 bad habits

Gastritis is a painful medical condition characterized by inflammation or swelling of the lining of the stomach.

In some cases , gastritis is caused by an infection, medications, stress, or some kind of autoimmune reaction. But do you know which common habits can make your condition worse?

Gastritis is usually a fairly mild disease. However, despite this, this physiological state can also cause abdominal pain and stomach ulcers. Treatment of inflammation of the mucosa of this organ focuses primarily on treating the causes of the disease and eliminating factors that may aggravate the experienced ailments.

Some fairly common habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating an unhealthy diet can make gastritis much worse. And that’s why you should absolutely eliminate them from your daily routine.

In the meantime, however, some simple, even trivial changes to your standard lifestyle and the use of over-the-counter natural remedies can help you solve this problem on your own. In most cases, gastritis resolves on its own. However, if you don’t do the whole process properly, the disease can take a long time and become chronic.

In our today’s article, we take a look at some of the common habits and habits that can make gastritis worse and worse. Therefore, we invite you to read!

Gastritis – Learn five habits that can make it worse

Below, we present the five most important habits that negatively affect gastritis, exacerbating the perceived ailments. Avoid them at all costs!

1. Ignoring the need to drink plenty of water throughout the day

The water we drink has a perfectly neutral pH level. Therefore, drinking plenty of water helps us to control the acid levels in the stomach.

Drinking water

However, avoid drinking too much water immediately before and after a meal as it may be counterproductive.

2. Being constantly under severe stress

Daily stress and anxiety can negatively affect the health and condition of your digestive system. Moreover, these factors are known to cause gastritis. This can lead to chronic inflammation of this organ induced by stress.

Too much stress and anxiety causes a stronger release of gastric acid, which in turn leads to excessive strain on the mucosa of this organ. Therefore, in such cases, specialists say that it is advisable to practice relaxation techniques. These can be, for example, yoga or meditation. And all because they allow you to significantly reduce your stress level.

A stressed out employee

Each of us has to deal with the stress in our lives. People experience this phenomenon in different ways and on a daily basis. In small doses, stress is beneficial to our health. However, too high its level may adversely affect both our physical and mental well-being.

In addition, stress can make gastritis worse because, when a person is under severe stress or anxiety, the level of cortisol in their body increases.

This, in turn, alters the effectiveness of her immune system’s response and lowers the efficiency of her digestive system. This is why food digestion problems and anxiety usually go hand in hand.

3. Smoking cigarettes increases gastritis

It is one of the main poor lifestyle habits that can worsen gastritis. Smoking is a major risk factor in the development of various medical conditions. And not only related to the stomach, but also to many organs of our body.


Smoking can also reduce the ability of the stomach lining to heal. Moreover, it is a direct cause of gastric ulcer disease.

4. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption is the most common cause of gastritis. In fact, alcohol contains certain toxins that can irritate the stomach and cause its mucosa to become inflamed when you drink too much of it.

Drinking alcohol is not recommended for gastritis

However, if your stomach is already inflamed, drinking alcohol causes additional bleeding inside this organ. This can lead to more serious medical conditions such as stomach ulcers and many other health problems.

5. Adopt an unhealthy diet

Finally, you should know that if you have gastritis, you should also avoid eating many other foods and substances. Doing so will allow you to alleviate or prevent the symptoms of this disease.

Therefore, it is worth trying to eliminate spicy, fatty, fried and industrially processed foods from your standard diet.

Unhealthy diet

In addition, high-fat dairy products such as thick cream activate the secretion of gastric juices. This, in turn, only worsens the symptoms associated with the inflammation of the mucosa of this organ.

You should also avoid foods that may be toxic or irritating. For example powdered garlic, peppercorns, tomatoes, or acidic drinks such as coffee. Even some vegetables can worsen the discomfort caused by this disease.

Finally, remember that a healthy, well-balanced diet and lifestyle can reduce the risk of disease problems such as gastritis. If you suffer from this disease, we are sure that the tips mentioned above will help you deal with this bothersome problem!

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