Ginger And Cinnamon Drink That Strengthens The Immune System

The combination of these three medicinal plants will renew you both inside and out. It is recommended for overweight, fluid retention and, among other things, heart problems.
A wonderful rejuvenating infusion - Learn the recipe

We have selected three medicinal plants which, due to their properties, have a beneficial effect on our body. Daily infusion of them prevents the development of various diseases, supports various therapeutic treatments and at the same time provides many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

In this article we present a miraculous properties offered us a brew green tea, ginger and cinnamon – this is an incredible mix of natural remedies by which you will be able to rejuvenate your body, so from the inside and from the outside. Be sure to find out how you can naturally rejuvenate for a few years!

Green tea, ginger and cinnamon infusion – For whom?

Infusion of green tea, ginger and cinnamon is indicated in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of overweight and obesity and in the event of difficulty in shedding unnecessary kilograms
  • Combating the problem of excessive water retention in the tissues, cleansing the colon, removing the feeling of heavy legs, perfect for eyelid edema
  • For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and for lowering the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood
  • Treat coldness and lack of libido
  • For the treatment of gingivitis, caries and other dental problems
  • Treat indigestion and stomach acidity
  • For the treatment of type II diabetes
  • Fighting fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the body
  • Perfect for people who are cold
  • Perfect for people with a genetic predisposition to cancer

Below are the properties of each of these three medicinal plants:

Properties of green tea

  • It is a strong antioxidant, thus delaying the aging process of the body’s cells
  • It is a natural anti-cancer agent
  • It speeds up the metabolism and helps you lose weight
  • Gently stimulates and improves concentration
    Dried green tea leaves
  • It fights excessive water retention in tissues
  • It improves the health of teeth and gums
  • It helps in the treatment of certain skin diseases, such as acne and psoriasis
  • It soothes allergies
  • It fights stress

Properties of ginger

  • It helps prevent cancers of the ovaries, prostate and colon
  • It facilitates digestion
  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Fights nausea and dizziness (also during pregnancy)
  • It warms up the body
  • It soothes sore throat and sore throat
  • It improves circulation
    Lemon and orange infusion
  • It prevents excessive water retention in tissues
  • It helps to prevent infections and strengthens the body’s immunity
  • It has expectorant properties, thanks to which it helps to remove the accumulating mucus
  • It relieves migraines
  • It soothes menstrual pain
  • It improves blood circulation

Properties of cinnamon

  • It is an excellent aphrodisiac
  • Facilitates digestion: reduces stomach acidity and bloating
  • It relieves nausea and vomiting
  • It regulates blood glucose levels, like stevia – these are the two best natural remedies for treating type II diabetes
  • It warms up the body and provides it with energy
    Cinnamon sticks
  • With prolonged use, it improves the condition of joints and bones
  • It stimulates the appetite
  • It lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • It is a powerful natural anticoagulant

How to prepare an infusion of green tea, ginger and cinnamon?

Prepare a pot with a liter of water, add a teaspoon of ginger and cinnamon (powdered or cut into small pieces) to it. Bring to a boil, and when the water starts to bubble, leave it on the heat for another 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and add two teaspoons of green tea and leave for another 5 minutes. Drain and pour into a vessel from which you will be able to sip the brew throughout the day. It does not matter if it is warm, lukewarm or cold – its properties do not change!

If you want to sweeten the infusion, we advise you to use stevia – a natural sweetener that does not have negative effects in our body, unlike sugar or other artificial sweeteners.

Or maybe you want to make your brew an even stronger rejuvenating bomb? So add the juice of half a lemon to it.

What time to drink the infusion?

To get the most out of the rejuvenating power of this infusion, it is recommended to drink it:

  • On an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • Between meals, at least half an hour before.
  • We do not recommend drinking this infusion in the afternoon as you will have to wake up to use the toilet at night due to its diuretic and cleansing properties.

High quality of the infusion

When choosing the ingredients for the brew, pay special attention to their quality:

  • Green tea : preferably organically grown.
  • Cinnamon : The best cinnamon comes from Ceylon (and is the most aromatic). Also remember to always be hermetically sealed.
  • Ginger : It’s best to use fresh ginger (just grate it a little and put it in a pot of water). However, if this is not possible, you can use powdered ginger – so choose its aromatic, slightly spicy version.

Photos: bkajino, nerdling and ion-bogdan dumitrescu

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