Graviola Juice – 10 Health Benefits

Have you ever tried soursop juice? If not, here are ten reasons why you should try it!
Soursop juice - 10 health benefits

Graviola is a tropical fruit rich in vitamins (C, B1 and B2) and minerals (magnet, potassium, copper and iron) that strengthen the body. On the other hand, graviola juice is noteworthy due to its high fiber content, which speeds up the digestive processes.

It is not a popular plant, but it tastes delicious and is perfect for making all sorts of juices and drinks. In addition to its taste, graviola juice  will give you many benefits resulting from its invaluable effect on your health.

1. Prevents cancer

Soursop juice has been shown to help prevent the development of cancer and all sorts of other malignant tumors. Moreover, it is one of the few natural remedies that can stop all types of cancer – especially breast, colon, prostate and lung cancer.

For this reason, it is recommended to drink soursop juice as part of a natural therapy that accompanies medical treatment for cancer patients.

2. Graviola juice is perfect when you want to lose weight

Soursop juice helps with weight loss as it is very low in calories. Each 100 grams of this fruit is only 65 calories. So the juice made from this fruit will help you lose weight.



  • 1 graviola, peeled (also called guanabana)
  • 1.5 cups of milk, skim milk, or water (375 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg (4.7 g) (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (14.3 g) (optional)
  • half a teaspoon of grated ginger (2.4 g) (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) (optional)

A method of preparing:

  • Peel the fruit and put it in a bowl with the milk.
  • Squeeze the fruit with your hands so that the juice mixes with the milk. (The flesh that is left in your hands should be thrown away).
  • If you find it too complicated, you can use a blender, but in that case you have to strain the juice to remove the grains and the fibrous part of the fruit.
  • Then add the remaining ingredients to taste.
  • Graviola juice works better if you drink it cold or with some ice added to it.

3. Graviola juice protects your organs and slows down the aging process

Graviola helps prevent damage to the heart and keep it healthy.

  • Due to the high content of vitamin B1, it can accelerate your metabolism, which helps in maintaining proper blood circulation and regulating its pressure.
  • Moreover, the vitamin B2 she possesses is essential for the production of energy for the body, the functioning of the nervous system and keeping the heart working.
  • Huge amounts of vitamin C make it an excellent antioxidant. Hence, it supports the body’s immune system and slows down the aging process.

4. Graviola juice protects against flu

Thanks to the above-mentioned high content of vitamin C, graviola also helps to prevent flu, as well as preventive and popular colds.

It also has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system as it increases your protection and helps fight viruses and bacteria.

Gravola fruit

Moreover, the nutrients it contains keep the body healthy.

5. It strengthens your bones and prevents osteoporosis

Due to the high content of phosphorus and calcium, this fruit is ideal for ensuring adequate protection of bones and teeth. It is highly recommended for women going through the menopause and is a great way to protect bones from thickening, and the damage caused by a lack of estrogen is therefore less.

6. Graviola juice cares for your liver

Eating this fruit regularly is a healthy way to support the functioning of both your liver and gallbladder.

cleansing the liver and colon

The high content of antioxidants supports the cleansing of the abovementioned organs and supports the digestion of fats, thanks to which the liver is in excellent condition and works flawlessly.

7. It’s a healthy choice for people with diabetes

The sugars present in this fruit are easily metabolized, and their ingredients help fight and stabilize the increase in blood glucose levels.

Unsweetened soursop juice is therefore a natural choice for people with diabetes. This drink will give you the calories you need without increasing your sugar levels.

8. Graviola juice regulates intestinal flow

Due to its natural fiber content, sourdiol juice fights constipation. On the other hand, it is very good at restoring and protecting the intestinal flora, hence optimizing your digestive system.

You can fight intestinal gas with gravola juice

9. Helps you sleep

Many people with insomnia are advised to drink soursop juice to combat sleep disorders. This is because the fruit helps restore a restful and restful sleep.

It is also recommended for stressed or sensitive people as it contains nutrients that act on the nervous system. Moreover, it has hypnotic properties, which will allow you to relax before going to bed.

10. Graviola juice increases energy levels

To avoid reaching for the widely advertised energy boosters and stimulant-rich blends, it’s important to remember that graviola juice can be a healthier source of energy. This is due to the high content of fructose, the natural sugar found in the fruit, which can activate the body both physically and mentally.

We advise you to eat it for breakfast, which will make you start the day with energy.

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