Habits That You Would Not Even Think About, But Which Destroy Your Kidneys

Lack of exercise, smoking, excess alcohol, insufficient sleep … These habits have a very negative effect on the health of our kidneys and weaken the general condition of the entire body.
The kidneys - these habits hurt them the most!

We often forget that the kidneys are one of the key organs of our body, without which we would not be able to function properly. They are responsible for cleansing the blood of toxins and regulating the level of salt and water in the tissues of our body.

In addition, the kidneys produce red blood cells. Their other important functions are control of proper blood pressure and prevention of various infections in our body.

Today we would like to draw your attention to the daily habits that greatly damage our kidneys and prevent them from properly fulfilling their basic functions. So take a look at your lifestyle and consider whether you are actually taking care of your kidneys as it should be.

Which habits damage our kidneys?

The kidneys perform a number of very important functions in our body. When their work is disturbed, our entire body feels it severely: various diseases develop, and toxins begin to accumulate in tissues and cells that our body is unable to excrete on its own.

Very often we do not realize how important an organ the kidneys are and that we harm them a lot through our daily habits. Kidney disease takes years to develop, and unfortunately, when diagnosed, in many cases the changes are irreversible.

Learn with us today the habits that harm the kidneys the most. Remember that if you do not change certain everyday habits, sooner or later you will have to face kidney disease.

1. Smoking

Smoking tobacco

Cigarettes contain a huge amount of substances that are harmful to our body. Unfortunately, many of us are convinced that cigarette smoke only travels to the lungs and that is where it can cause disease. Such thinking is wrong and it is worth realizing as soon as possible that cigarettes slowly kill our entire body.

The toxic substances in tobacco travel with the blood through all organs of the body, and when they reach the kidneys, they have to work for a few extra hours to remove them from the body.

Note, however, that the kidneys are not able to eliminate the toxins from cigarette smoke 100%. Their tiny particles remain in our body, which accumulate over the years, gradually weakening the body’s immunity.

Hence, smokers are more prone to various infections, not only of the respiratory tract. Weakened immunity negatively affects all organs and the entire body.

2. Alcohol abuse

Alcohol affects our body just like cigarette smoke. However, while tobacco attacks the lungs first, alcohol attacks the liver and kidneys equally.

When our kidneys regularly receive massive amounts of toxins and other chemicals in alcohol, their function is impaired. This paired organ is then unable to properly remove excess harmful substances, which negatively affects the condition of the whole organism.

3. Not getting enough sleep


It is necessary to realize that it is during the night’s rest that the cells and individual organs of our body carry out deep renewal processes, thanks to which they are able to almost completely regenerate after a long day.

  • If we do not provide our body with an adequate amount of rest per day (between 7 and 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep ), the regeneration process will not be completed properly.
  • Remember how you feel in the morning hours at work after a sleepless night… Your kidneys feel exactly the same!

4. Procrastination with urination

Overfilling the bladder and frequent delaying to visit the toilet has a very negative effect on the health of the kidneys and urinary tract.

This habit can lead to serious health consequences, such as urinary incontinence and kidney failure, so don’t wait until the last moment until you can’t hold it anymore – go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the pressure on your bladder. Thanks to this practice, you will keep your kidneys and ureters healthy and functioning for longer.

5. Excessive consumption of coffee

Today, coffee is the most consumed drink worldwide. Opinions on its impact on our body are divided. Scientists, however, agree on one thing: coffee in small amounts brings many benefits to our body. The problem arises when we consume it in excess.

Remember that coffee dehydrates the kidneys and prevents them from performing their basic functions properly. When this organ has to work with redoubled force, the other organs immediately feel it.

All kinds of carbonated drinks, especially those of the cola type, have a similar effect to coffee . They contain a large dose of caffeine, and therefore have the same effects in our kidneys as coffee.

6. A sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a reduction in the activity of all organs of our body and disrupts their basic functions.

Spending long hours in front of a computer monitor or TV screen prevents blood from circulating properly and causes excess fluid retention in the body’s tissues, especially in the legs.

These are the two zones where the kidneys play a major role! Unfortunately, when spending long hours in the same sitting position, the kidneys are unable to function properly. Remember that all organs of our body love movement and work faster and more efficiently during physical activity.

7. Excess salt in the diet


Too much sodium has a very negative effect on the work of our kidneys. This organ is responsible for the proper metabolism of salt in the water, and if the first substance is too much, the kidneys cannot work properly.

  • The daily dose of salt for an adult human should not exceed 5 grams (half a teaspoon).

It’s worth paying attention to the fact that virtually all prepared and processed foods contain huge amounts of sodium , well in excess of the recommended daily allowance of this mineral.

Scientists and healthy eating specialists also recommend that you avoid eating foods rich in potassium. Our kidneys are unable to remove excess of this substance, which results in its accumulation in the blood.

8. Vitamin B6 deficiency

Vitamin B6 is a nutrient essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys. If we want these to be healthy and work flawlessly, we should provide our body with an appropriate dose of vitamin B6 every day. We find it in:

  • Potatoes
  • Pisces
  • Chicken
  • Fruit (except citrus)

9. Too much protein in the diet

Unlike fats, proteins are excreted from the body. It does not collect them, but eliminates them with the help of the kidneys. So if we consume excess proteins, they must be removed with urine or feces.

  • The kidneys are involved in the process of cleansing the body of excess proteins.
  • The more proteins in our body, the more prone we become to the formation of gallstones.

10. Consuming insufficient amounts of water

Glass of water

Scientists sound the alarm: let’s drink at least 2 liters of water a day! And it is not a joke or a product of advertising campaigns by companies producing mineral water.

Two liters – this is the amount of fluid our body loses every day. Hence, it has to supplement the deficiencies it excreted in the form of sweat, urine and various metabolic processes.

In addition, when we consume the right amount of water, we support the work of our kidneys and facilitate the process of removing toxins and all kinds of harmful substances from the metabolism.

11. Applying an unhealthy diet

Currently, food plans aimed at rapid weight loss are very fashionable, as well as many different slimming diets that tempt with the promise of getting a slim figure in just a dozen days.

Remember, however, that such short-term diets have a very negative effect on the health of our body, especially the kidneys.

When this organ does not receive its daily dose of fats (they are necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys), blood filtration is insufficient, so the remaining organs and cells of our body do not receive basic nutrients.

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