Hair Growth – Herbs And Spices That Stimulate It

Hair growth - herbs and spices that stimulate it

Both topical decoction and consumption of coriander can help optimize hair growth and keep your capillaries healthy.

Having long, strong and beautiful hair like the fairy-tale Rapunzel would be a dream come true. However, if you thought that commercial products full of chemicals could aid your efforts, you are wrong. In this article, you’ll learn that certain herbs and spices can also stimulate hair growth .

Forget about chemicals and use easy-to-find herbs and spices to help your hair grow faster.

Herbs and spices to stimulate hair growth

Chamomile flowers.


Use chamomile tea as a rinse after shampooing to stimulate hair growth. It relaxes the fibers of the capillaries and the scalp, which helps reduce hair loss.


You can make your own rosemary infusion by slowly boiling the leaves in water. You can also include them in your daily diet.

  • Washing your hair with this infusion can help you get rid of dandruff, which is considered to be one of the major factors in hair loss.

Field horsetail

Field horsetail.

Field horsetail is very useful in helping our hair grow faster.

  • As with other herbs, it can be used as a rinse when making an infusion or taken orally as part of your diet.
  • If you want, you can also mix it with your favorite shampoo and rinse your hair completely with the mixture.

Ginkgo biloba

When it comes to stimulating the hair follicles to function in a completely natural way, ginkgo biloba can be a great option.

  • Regular use of this herbal infusion on the hair roots can increase blood circulation to the scalp. This speeds up hair growth considerably.

Birch oil

Birch oil.

Birch oil is a super oil that helps us take care of our hair by eliminating problems such as dandruff, itching, scalp infections and hair loss.

  • Combine it with a normal hair oil or add it to your shampoo for perfect results.


Coriander is one of the most effective spices for enhancing hair health and growth. Include it in your diet using its leaves or seeds.

In addition, adding seed powder to your hair oil and massaging your scalp with this concoction can provide the best results in stimulating the hair follicles.



Prepare a natural tonic for hair growth by boiling black cumin seeds in water, filtering the liquid and combining it with the egg yolk.

Apply it regularly to your scalp with a cotton ball.

  • This mixture can also be replaced with a rich mixture of equal amounts of olive oil and cumin oil. Dandruff will disappear and the mixture will stimulate hair growth.


Applying cinnamon powder and honey to your hair will protect the scalp from infections and help get rid of dandruff, itching, etc.

You can also mix this spice with olive oil and heat it to increase blood flow to the scalp and help hair growth.

Black pepper

Black pepper for hair growth

Black pepper has amazing properties that improve digestive function and optimize blood circulation.

As a result, our body can absorb all the nutrients it needs in the right amounts. Ultimately, it also stimulates hair growth.


Sesame seeds are full of two essential minerals, calcium and magnesium, which are essential for the growth and health of our hair fibers.

For this reason, consuming sesame seeds is also considered effective in keeping your hair long, strong.

Additional tips to improve hair growth

Maintain a balanced diet

Making sure you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs is key to having healthy hair.

What you apply to your hair won’t matter if your body isn’t nourished properly . Make sure you eat the right amount of fats, proteins, and nutrients each day.

Choose the right products

Woman washing her hair.

Using natural and herbal shampoos that do not contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates can be very useful when it comes to the health of our hair. Sulfates deprive our hair of all natural oils.

It would also be a good idea to invest in a good silicone-free conditioner. Invest in a wide-toothed comb and a boar bristle brush.

  • The wide-toothed wooden comb helps to avoid breakage of hair and electrostatic discharge. This is the perfect comb to use when detangling your hair.
  • Once untangled, the boar bristle brush will help remove the oil from the hair roots, ensuring your hair is well-nourished and protected.
  • It’s also important to avoid brushing your hair while it’s wet. This is where the hair is most prone to breaking.

Don’t give up on your conditioner

Conditioner is extremely important when it comes to the health of your hair. It would also be a good idea to deeply nourish your hair at least once a week with a homemade mask. Thanks to this, your hair will be extremely moisturized.

Always wash with cold water

Cold water helps seal the hair cells, making the hair soft and silky. It also helps to prevent moisture loss from your hair.

Trim your hair regularly

Trimming your hair.

It is very important to trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks. This helps to get rid of the split ends so that the damage doesn’t spread upward.

Stop using hot styling tools

Regular use of hot tools can cause a lot of damage to your hair. If you are addicted to a hair dryer , it would be good to try other methods that do not need heat and take a break from it.

Let your hair air dry

Do not use a hair dryer, let your hair dry by itself. Do this by gently squeezing any excess water out of your hair with a towel and let it dry.

Do not rub your hair vigorously with the towel as this may damage it.

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