Hair Loss – Find Out Why?

Hair grows and falls out every day, but sometimes the fact of excessive hair loss may indicate a slightly more serious health problem.
Hair loss - find out why?

Hair loss does not always have to be a significant problem that keeps you awake at night. It all depends on the intensity of this phenomenon. We lose 50-100 hairs every day, and this is perfectly normal. Hair has different phases of life: some grows, others are stable, and others are already “worn out” and ready to fall out.

But sometimes hair loss can become more intense, so you should pay some attention to this phenomenon to determine its cause.

In our today’s article, we will look at this issue. We will find out why this is happening and how we can remedy it.

Some causes of hair loss

While there are many reasons why we may experience hair loss, some of them may be due to specific health problems. The most popular of them include:

  • Clogged hair follicles
  • Abrasive or too aggressive shampoo
  • Incorrect diet
  • Hormonal changes
  • Some of the medications you take
  • Stress
  • Iron deficiency
  • Thyroid problems

Hair loss due to improper diet

Stress also has a lot to do in this regard. In addition, there may be unstable living conditions, irregular nutrition or too little sleep, which additionally raises the level of insulin in your body. For this reason, we are often attracted to foods with a high sugar content, such as sweets and carbohydrates with high glycemic indexes.

Brushing your hair

These foods cause inflammation of your body’s cells, which is harmful to the health of your hair. A good way to prevent hair loss is to include fruit and vegetables in your daily diet.

Recommended products to prevent hair loss

The most important nutrients that will help you significantly reduce hair loss are vitamins and minerals. You will find them in large quantities in products such as:

  • Vitamin A: Found in liver, butter, chicken eggs and cheese.
  • And vitamin B-complex: you’ll find it in rice, wheat, lentils, nuts and cereal sprouts.
  • Vitamin C: Found in all citrus fruits, especially oranges, limes, grapefruits, as well as kiwi and spinach.
  • Iron: You can find them in clams, oysters, lentils, chickpeas and liver.
  • Zinc: Found in high amounts in celery, asparagus, wheat germ, chickpeas and liver.

Improper care and treatment that may cause hair loss

In some cases, hair loss may occur due to excessive tension in the hair. The most common causes of this phenomenon are the pulling of the ponytails too much and the use of bands and pins with too much pulling force, causing the hair to be subjected to excessive pressure and stretching.

This problem is hair loss as a result of being constantly overloaded. In most cases, this phenomenon is fully reversible, but may become permanent over time.

It is therefore recommended that you let your hair down as long and as often as possible. And if you can’t wear this hairstyle, trim it for your own convenience.

Another possible misconduct that can cause hair loss is the excessive use of hot air and hair accessories.

Weak hair, sad woman

Rinsing in hot water, dyeing hair with chemically aggressive dyes, regular use of a hot air hair dryer and curling iron are dangerous to the hair follicles in the skin follicles.

The consequence of this procedure is a significant weakening of the hair and ultimately hair loss. It is therefore important to use natural products that are as free from chemicals, parabens, salt or ammonia as possible.

Natural products allow you to get healthy and natural hair, without the side effects of allergies and scalp diseases. You can also create such products at home and use them to effectively strengthen your hair.

Using plastic combs and artificial bristles can also be harmful to the scalp. Therefore, natural bristle brushes are recommended because they do not damage the skin surface and reduce the undesirable phenomenon of tearing out the hair during brushing.

Symptoms of cause for concern

You should be especially careful if you notice any of the symptoms described below. In this case, we also suggest that you consult a dermatologist. Especially when:

  • Hair loss is definitely excessive and continuous.
  • In the last 2 to 4 months, your hair has become less dense.
  • Your hair is now softer and weaker.
A soft brush for combing your hair

Other symptoms you should watch out for include:

  • Your eyelashes or eyebrows also start falling out.
  • Hair loss leaves bald patches in various areas of the scalp.
  • You have a burning sensation in the less densely hairy areas of your head.
  • In places where hair loss is particularly intense, there is inflammation or even redness.

Washing your hair every day does not cause excessive hair loss, contrary to popular belief. In fact, it may even turn out that if you do not maintain the proper level of scalp hygiene, it may negatively affect the health and condition of your hair.

Effective treatments to reduce hair loss

  • Capillary mesotherapy – it is a process that helps to prevent the first symptoms of hair loss, as well as baldness. It can be based on a microtransplantation method in diseased areas and result in natural-looking hair without leaving any characteristic scars.
  • Anti-hair loss products: all kinds of anti-hair loss products can help prolong the growth phase of your hair and slow down hair loss. One of the most commonly used anti-hair loss medications is minoxidil.

Remember all necessary dietary requirements. Also, keep in mind all the useful tips for caring for your hair and what products are best to use for your hair care. Your hair will surely be grateful to you!

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