Hairdryer: Your New Ally At Home

Hair dryer: Your new ally at home

The dryer is mainly used to dry your hair. However, as an electrical appliance, other things are also suitable that can make your life easier.

Certainly, at some point in your life, the dryer was used not only for drying your hair. Its targeted heat source can help us recover from many problems.

There are undoubtedly a thousand tricks. And the hair dryer can be used for many of them, making it your ally at home. Today we offer you five of them. If you don’t know them yet, you must try them out!

Hair dryer – how can it help you?

Removal of stickers and labels

Removing stickers

The applied heat will allow you to peel off the labels from plastic products. Using a hair dryer on the sticker or tag may make it easier to detach. Aim the dryer at the lowest heat level at the sticker you want to remove. You will find that step by step it will be easy to peel it off with your fingernails or fingers.

The dryer helps remove dust and dirt from the keyboard

A blast of air will help remove dust and dirt that always remain between the keyboard.  We can find food leftovers, dust, hair, etc. The spaces between the various buttons on the computer keyboard are a haven for germs and unwanted dust.

Of course, remember that you should always use cold air at a safe distance. Also, do not forget that for your own safety and the safety of the device, the keyboard must be completely disconnected from the power supply.

Cleaning a foggy mirror

Mirror in the bathroom and hair dryer

No streaks or residue. Use the dryer on the mirror and forget about problems. The bathroom mirror often steams after a hot shower. We often remove steam quickly by hand, which can leave a mark on our hand or the material we used.

In addition, we will only remove steam from the area we cleaned. If you want to avoid this and get rid of the steam quickly and leave no traces, direct the jet of the dryer to the mirror in the bathroom and you will see the steam disappear immediately.

Removing drawings from walls

Child painting walls

The heat from the dryer helps to remove colored paint from the walls. If your kids are wall artists or home graffiti lovers, and you often find a wall colored with crayons, this trick is a must-try.

Just apply heat from a hair dryer at a safe distance from the painting, then wipe with a damp cloth. The stains will disappear easily.

The dryer can also be used to remove wax stains on wood. If you like candles and the wax has just spilled on the table you don’t need to worry, first turn the dryer on a minimum level of heat (carefully, without overheating the wax) and you will find that it is very easy to remove.

In addition, you avoid scratching the wood. After removing the wax, thoroughly clean the surface.

Removing the dough from the mold

cake C.

The heat helps to take our baked goods out of the mold. The house smells like cake and everyone is waiting for you to finally take it out of the oven and the mold. However, this is not an easy task. How many times do some of the dough remain in the mold when removing it from the mold?

As a result, you received a delicious but not very aesthetic disaster? This could be a problem if we additionally planned to decorate our product in some way. You will find that in many TV shows they use a kitchen blower to effortlessly remove the baked goods from the mold.

In that case, you can of course use a hair dryer and use the heat at low power to easily remove the cake from the mold. Simply put, direct the heat flux to the mold so that the dough can easily come out without sticking to the walls.

If you used aluminum foil instead of a mold, you can apply this trick as well. Always using a low temperature, the dough will peel off without any problems and keep its shape.

There are many other tricks that you can perform with a hair dryer at home. You surely have your own tricks too. However, you should always take certain precautions:

  • Never use the maximum level of heat
  • Do not use this appliance for liquids that may splash (remember that a hair dryer is an electrical appliance)
  • Never use heat on other electrical appliances.
  • Do not use it for a long time on fabrics, it may heat up and burn.

What are your tricks?

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