Headache – 6 Ways To Feel Relief Without Pills

To feel the relief of a headache by reaching only for natural remedies, we can use the properties of massage and cold compresses. This supports circulation, oxygenates the cells of our body and helps to feel immediate relief.
Headache - 6 ways to feel relieved without pills

Headache is an unpleasant ailment that happens to all of us. There is probably no man who has never dealt with some form of it.

The exact reasons why the headache occurs has not yet been established . Sometimes it is influenced by hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, living under stress, as well as maintaining unhealthy habits in everyday life.

This ailment can be a symptom of malnutrition or a lack of certain nutrients. Sometimes even this type of pain can indicate serious chronic diseases that require medical attention.

Usually, however, it appears sporadically. It is often accompanied by a throbbing sensation around the temples on one or both sides of the head. Some people also experience problems with their vision, anxiety, nausea, or a feeling of severe fatigue.

The most common way to solve the problem of headache are pharmacological agents with anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties. However, it turns out that there are ways to feel relieved completely naturally.

Considering the fact that excessive intake of certain types of medications can lead to unpleasant side effects, in today’s article we want to share with you six ways to eliminate headache without pills.

Be sure to try it out!

1. Headache? Try a massage!

A massage on the top of the head helps to activate blood circulation. This significantly improves the processes of oxygenation of our body’s cells. This, in turn, helps to reduce pain.

Massage can help with tension headaches. It perfectly relaxes the muscles and can have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Massage is an effective way to treat a headache

How to do it?

  • First, place your fingertips at the base of your nose and massage gently in circular motions.
  • Then move to the temple area and massage for a few minutes.
  • Finally, take care of the top of your head, you can apply more pressure with your fingers.

2. Use cold compresses

Cold compresses are a quick fix for fatigue-related headaches. It relaxes and relaxes the blood vessels, helping us to control tension.

How to do them?

  • Fill the container with ice water. Dip a clean tissue or towel in the water. Then squeeze out any excess water and place it on your forehead.
  • Leave it for a few minutes, then cool the towel again and put it on your head.
  • Keep doing the activity for about 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Perform breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are a tremendous therapy that helps us fight anxiety, stress and severe headaches. Especially when they appear during working hours, when we do not have time to lie down and relax.

Breathing exercises improve oxygenation of the body’s cells while reducing inflammation. Interestingly, they can also effectively relax your muscles.

Meditating woman - breathing exercises

How to do them?

  • Look for a quiet, isolated place. Try not to be distracted by anything. Close your eyes and start relaxing.
  • Then, breathe in and out deeply, filling your entire lungs and diaphragm with air. Do it smoothly and gently.
  • Try to exhale for a few seconds. Then repeat. It would be good if the breathing exercises lasted 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Try to identify the cause

Often recurring headache occurs sometimes for reasons affecting our nervous system, as well as blood circulation and the muscular system. Excessive use of electronic devices, eating high-fat foods, exposure to loud noise – just a few possible causes for pain.

Hence, it is so important to analyze whether bad habits have crept into our lives. If so, remove them as soon as possible and replace them with a healthy routine.

5. Rosemary oil for headache

Rosemary oil contains natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. They help you feel relieved whenever you get a headache as well as a migraine. Everything happens in a completely natural way.

Rosemary oil is a remedy for headaches

The active ingredients of rosemary oil effectively relieve tension and stimulate blood circulation in the temples and head. This, in turn, helps you feel quick relief from any such ailments.

Application method:

  • Take some rosemary oil on your hands and give a gentle massage to your temples, forehead, and top of your head.
  • Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes.

6. Try the ginger tea

Drinking just one cup of ginger tea can replace painkillers when you get a headache. This natural, healing drink is effective in reducing blood vessel inflammation. Moreover, it improves oxygenation of our body cells and blocks pain.

Application method:

  • Place a teaspoon of fresh ginger in a glass of boiling water, then let it sit for about 10 minutes and drink it.
  • Drink up to three cups of this infusion a day if you feel the need to do so.

As you may have noticed, there are many natural methods to help us deal with the problem of headache. We do not necessarily have to immediately expose our body to harmful chemicals.

Follow the steps we’ve just mentioned as soon as you get the first pain signal and you will certainly be able to stop it naturally.

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