Healthier Sleep – 8 Helpful Aromatic Oils

Shakespeare used to say: We are of the same material as our dreams. Perhaps this is why so many of us face insomnia? There are some ways you can relax effectively and win the fight for a good night’s sleep.
Healthier sleep - 8 helpful aromatic oils

In order not to get up with our left foot every day and get a healthier sleep every day, we need to find a way to get adequate rest. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to strategies that accelerate sleep, based on aromatic oils. They will help you in your night routine.

We all know how important sleep is in our lives, it allows us to think clearly, be active and strengthen our concentration. We grow when we sleep, we dream while sleeping. Its lack significantly affects our physical and mental health.

Fortunately, the world offers us effective remedies to fight insomnia. They are usually based on adequate relaxation, so in this article we have decided to present aromatic oils that are pleasing to the senses, which will guarantee you a healthier sleep and effective rest.

First of all, it should be remembered that aromatherapy is a well-known and valued treatment today. It helps to achieve harmony and the much needed state of body and mental peace. It favors our daily functions. It allows us to live more efficiently!

Lack of sleep as the bane of our time

Inadequate sleep and inadequate sleep: can lead to various diseases and problems. One of them may be chronic stress.

What contributes to insomnia? Changes in the schedule, excess coffee, poor diet, alcohol – it all affects our sleepiness.

woman in bed in front of the phone

When insomnia occurs, we are attacked by: bad mood, stress, general malaise, irritability and chronic fatigue. We want to get rid of it ASAP!

Importantly, stress can be a symptom of emotional disorders related to depression and chronic anxiety. Aromatherapy is a therapeutic art and culture that is an ally in the fight against our inner demons.

Of course,  it does not replace other healing treatments, but it helps to achieve better results, relying only on natural products.

The way to a healthier sleep – essential oils and their effect on the nervous system

The use of aromatic oils and aromatherapy will help you find peace and a chance for better sleep. 

Essential oils have certain active ingredients that affect the parasympathetic part of our nervous system that controls the functions of rest, relaxation and sleep.

healthier sleep and oils

Millions of olfactory receptors in our nose connect to the brain and pass on information to each other. This is why oils have an immediate impact on the functions of our body. They provide relief.

Thanks to massages, infusions and aromatic diffusers: these fragrances can penetrate our body and start working effectively. This will help us achieve a healthier sleep, a calmer attitude and, importantly, it will eliminate tension and anxiety.

Healthier sleep – 8 aromatic oils

There are many soothing oils that will help you regain harmony and positively affect the quality of your sleep. Here are a few of them.

1. Lavender, valued and effective

The most recognized essential oil in aromatherapy is: lavender extract. The influence of this plant on the nervous system is indisputable. Lavender oil has a calming and relaxing effect. Even in chronic and difficult cases, it allows us to fall asleep faster.

oils for a healthier sleep

How to use it to fight insomnia? It is recommended to take the following steps:

  • If possible: put 15 drops of essential oil in the diffuser just before going to bed.
  • You can massage the oil into your face, neck, arms, hands and feet.
  • Another solution is to spread the oil on your wrists and neck, along with a daily cream or body lotion.

2. Bitter orange oil for a healthier sleep

The soothing properties of this orange-based essential oil: effectively counteract insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety and neurosis. Thanks to a diffuser or massages, we can achieve surprising results, because the oil is known to be one of the most effective in fighting sleep disorders.

3. Tangerine essence

Is it hard to break away from the everyday hustle and bustle? The mandarin essence can be very helpful, because it is extremely conducive to relaxation and rest at the appropriate, royal level. The naps of Italians and Spaniards are no longer so surprising, are they?

The best way to apply this essence is: placing 15 drops of mandarin essential oil in the diffuser just before going to bed. We can also drink a few drops of the oil, diluted in 2 drops of olive oil.

4. Healthier sleep and valerian oil

Although we know other properties of this oil with regard to our cats: in this case, it will guarantee a healthier sleep and adequate rest for the body.

You can use it by placing 15 to 20 drops in the diffuser, or by applying it by massaging the face, neck and our limbs.

5. Roman chamomile

Journey to Rome through fragrances? Why not! The more so because, apart from that, Roman chamomile oil soothes our senses and provides us with a balanced sleep. We can use it in massages or by smelling it straight from the bottle.

He’s a great help in fighting insomnia. First of all, this oil has a strong relaxing effect, which may also be helpful for people with hypertension. 

6. Marjoram for stress and a healthier sleep

Properties of this aromatic oil: it  reduces blood pressure and relieves the body from stress. In addition, it is a great way to regain easy breathing during a cold or flu. How to use? It is enough to apply it through massages or in a diffuser.

7. Hierba Luis for stress

Anxiety, depression, worries and anxiety can also be combated by natural means offered by Mother Earth. One of them is lemongrass known from India and South America, or Hierba Luisa. It is also an excellent pain reliever.

It is enough to dilute it in two drops of olive oil. You can consume this mixture three times a day.

8. Mandarin essential oil

We come back to mandarins ripening in full sun. It turns out that not only the sun puts us in a good mood, but also its sheep. Mandarin oil has a stronger relaxing effect than chamomile.

It is known as a hypnotic oil because it has special potential and power. Perfect for applying through massage. But you can, just like in the previous cases: add a few drops to the olive oil.


Importantly, aromatic oils have a strong impact on our brain, which is why they also help to relax and unwind. This allows for an effective fight against insomnia and a calmer, faster sleep. 

The scent of the oils mentioned in this article: at any time of the day or night, it will provide you with the relaxation and peace you have been dreaming about for so long. Importantly, share your experience with us: which oil worked best for you?

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