Healthy Kidneys – 8 Basic Rules

Water is essential for healthy kidneys. Be sure to drink at least two liters a day. You can also eat juices or foods with lots of water.
Healthy kidneys - 8 basic rules

Healthy kidneys are an absolute must. They are responsible for the production of urine, which in turn expels toxins, controls the water level in the body, and the presence of acids and minerals. They also affect blood pressure.

When too much toxins accumulate in the body, their functioning begins to fail. Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for these organs by leading a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

You can keep your  kidneys healthy every day. All you have to do is adjust to the 8 rules that we will tell you about today. Read on!

Healthy food = healthy kidneys

Fast food, refined flours and sugars, sweets … All this overloads our kidneys and affects their functioning. They are not able to filter out all the toxins that we accumulate in our body on a daily basis. Moreover, these toxins can lead to the development of various, even very serious diseases.

Woman with a bowl of salad

To keep your kidneys fit and healthy, take care what you eat. Be sure to include fruit, vegetables, whole grains and fiber-rich foods in your diet.

Physical activity

Maintaining a healthy weight is another factor in keeping your kidneys healthy. Exercise and sport help you burn fat, lose weight and stay fit.

It is best to put in a 30-minute effort every day, combining cardio and strength exercises.

Controlled cholesterol levels

People with high cholesterol are much more likely to suffer from kidney problems. By lowering its level, you automatically increase the efficiency of your kidneys and prevent hypertension.

Healthy kidneys and drinking water

Many kidney problems start with dehydration. Therefore, you should take care of the right amount of fluids, thanks to which we will have fully functioning, healthy kidneys. There is no specific amount of water you should drink.

The woman drinks water to keep her kidneys healthy

It all depends on the person, physical activity and the climate in which we live. Depending on the season, you need to increase your consumption. However, the absolute minimum is to consume two liters of healthy fluids a day.

Avoid medications and drugs

Taking too much medication can harm your kidneys in the long run. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are extremely harmful. The damage they cause may be beyond repair.

For this reason, we recommend consulting each dose of the drug with your doctor. Of course, we don’t need to mention that drugs damage not only the kidneys but also other vital organs in our body. Do not forget about it.

quit smoking

Nowadays, smokers are well aware of the fact that they poison their own body and at the same time increase the risk of developing various diseases. The lungs are the most disadvantaged organs, but not the only ones.

Smoking can cause cancer of the larynx, stomach and kidneys. The risk is even greater if the smoker has diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Avoid using too much salt

Salt is present in every kitchen. However, you should know that it causes many diseases each year, including kidney problems. Countless studies have shown that people who double the allowable salt intake struggle with kidney disease in the long run. Try to reach for other spices such as pepper and oregano.

Juice for healthy kidneys

The kidneys accumulate toxins and waste. If you do not get rid of them, they will adversely affect the functioning of these organs, possibly causing their failure or the formation of stones.

Orange juice for healthy kidneys

Regular kidney cleansing removes toxic substances. The juice below is a great solution.


  • ½ mango
  • 1 orange
  • grapefruit
  • 1/4 of a melon

A method of preparing

We wash and peel the fruit and then cut it into smaller pieces. We put it in the juicer for a few minutes. We drink right away.

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