Herbal Remedies For Accelerating Hair Growth

Herbal remedies to accelerate hair growth

Do you want to accelerate your hair growth ? Try these herbal remedies that can help you achieve this with their properties.

Many people want to accelerate their hair growth . Depending on the condition of the hair and habits, hair growth may be faster or slower.

This happens for a variety of reasons. So, if the hair tends to split or curl, we will experience much less growth. In addition, you should always take into account certain conditions that can slow down this process.

Scalp problems such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis can cause excessive hair loss. This undoubtedly affects their growth.

Herbal remedies to accelerate hair growth

In this article, we will introduce you to herbal remedies to accelerate hair growth, nourish and disinfect the scalp.


Aloe vera gel requires daily application to the scalp to observe its effects. Aloe is a plant that we probably have at home and that is believed to be useful for boosting hair growth. In ancient Greece and Rome, as Marc Schweizer notes in his book Aloe vera. The plant that heals was one of its uses. Aloe

Application method

If you want to test the effectiveness of this remedy, you can do the following:

  • Take the aloe vera and cut it in half.
  • Apply the leaf directly to the scalp by  spreading the gel over the area. You can also remove the gel with a spoon and put it in a bottle to apply later.
  • Gently massage in and leave for at least 20 minutes.
  • Repeat daily to see the effects.

Rosemary for hair loss

Rosemary infusion can be used in different ways: shampoo, spray or liquid. Rosemary

Application method

  • Add it to your shampoo: make a rosemary infusion and add a cup to your regular shampoo. As the days go by, it will start to work and you can start enjoying silkier and nourished hair.
  • Spray the scalp : add the rosemary infusion to the sprayer and apply it to the hair before washing. Leave it on for a few minutes before getting in the shower.
  • Hair balm: apply the infusion directly to the scalp, massaging gently to stimulate hair growth. You can do this after showering and then dry it as normal.

Thyme accelerates hair growth

Thyme is a powerful antifungal agent that controls the stability of the scalp. It has properties that promote the healing of the scalp when we suffer from any problems related to it. This is due to its antifungal properties, as evidenced by work carried out by scientists at the Andean Regional Autonomous University. Thyme infusion for hair growth

Other means …

These herbal remedies can be useful when your hair is shedding profusely or when shedding is more pronounced, such as in the fall. However, we should not be alarmed as we always lose our hair. Hair regenerates and we normally lose up to 150 hairs a day.

Likewise, if we spend a few days without washing our hair, it will be normal to lose more of our hair. This is especially true for women with curly hair. Hair that has fallen out will become entangled in the hair until the next washing or brushing.

About herbal medicines that accelerate hair growth

We encourage you to try these remedies for healthier hair and growth. However, if you suffer from alopecia or have scalp problems, don’t hesitate to see a specialist for a proper diagnosis and start the correct treatment.

This way, you will also be able to ask questions about lifestyle changes while using some of these remedies.

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