Homemade Facial Cleansing – 2 Ways To Detox

The skin is the largest organ. So taking care of her is extremely important! The key stage of skin care is its detoxification, i.e. cleansing.
Homemade facial cleansing - 2 ways to detox

Do you regularly do home facial cleansing, or have you never tried one before? Toxins can cause changes in the body and interfere with its functioning. In other words, pollution leads to changes in our bodies. The body is unable to maintain an optimal state of balance and lets us know about the problem by revealing the symptoms of harmful substances. That’s why home facial cleansing– as well as cleansing the whole body – is extremely important. Thousands of chemical reactions in our bodies help to maintain our inner balance and optimal health. However, this balance is disturbed daily by external factors such as bacteria, pollution and other toxic influences attacking us all the time. The skin collects impurities, both those originating in the environment and those coming from cosmetics that block the pore openings. This is why daily home facial cleansing before bedtime is so important.

Contaminated skin: symptoms

Here is a list of the basic signs of skin contamination:

  • Roughness caused by the build-up of layers of dead skin. A dry, hard layer forms on the surface of the skin.
  • Overdrying – the presence of toxins leads to dehydration of the skin.
  • Flaky skin: all dry flakes or whitish pollen are peeling off the surface.
  • Itching is also a sign of impure skin. It is associated with stiffness and dryness of the skin which, due to physical and chemical stress, cannot perform its functions properly. It is a natural instinct to scratch. The itching becomes more intense the more dirty and dry the skin.

Why should you nourish and moisturize your skin?

The skin is our natural protective barrier, blocking access to many harmful external factors. Therefore, it is important to properly care for it to enable and help it fulfill its basic functions. Here are the benefits of proper skin care:

  • Delayed formation of wrinkles
  • Bright, radiant complexion
  • Overcoming a tired look
  • Reduction of acne and blackheads
  • Soft leather
  • In the case of women – reducing the harmful effects of make-up cosmetics
  • Reducing the risk of skin damage from contaminants

Homemade facial cleansing: natural home remedies

1. Natural honey and strawberry mask

Homemade face cleansing with honey is also effective because honey not only exfoliates dead skin cells but also nourishes living skin cells. Moreover, this natural cosmetic has an excellent moisturizing effect.

Homemade facial cleansing will be easier for you with a honey and strawberry mask.

Strawberries will support you in the fight for a well-groomed complexion with their brightening and smoothing effects. These effects are due to the content of salicylic acid, which visibly brightens dark discoloration caused by sunbathing, aging skin or hair removal.

Thanks to the removal of discoloration, your skin will regain a brighter, even color.


  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 10 strawberries

Method of preparation and use

  • Start by washing and crushing the strawberries with a fork. You can also blend them.
  • Put the strawberries in a container and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave the mask for 15 minutes.
  • During this time, wash your face. Then apply the honey-strawberry mask and leave it on your face for an hour.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, rinse the mask with cool water.

2. Yogurt and oatmeal mask

Natural yoghurt has great health and beauty properties.

Yogurt and oatmeal mask moisturizes, nourishes and exfoliates the skin.

Just one serving will provide you with:

  • 180 mg of calcium
  • 240 mg of potassium
  • 17 mg of magnesium
  • vitamin A dose
  • a dose of B vitamins, including vitamins B2 and B12, folic acid and niacin.

In addition to consuming it, you can also use yogurt when preparing a natural scrub. It is an ideal ingredient for this: it  cleanses the skin by removing dead cells that accumulate on its surface and mix with sebum, causing the formation of blackheads and blackheads.

Oatmeal, in turn, is a great source of fiber, magnesium, copper, iron and potassium. They also provide an antioxidant effect. They are an ideal ingredient of cleansing masks.


  • 1 cup of plain yogurt (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oats (30 g)

Method of preparation and use

  • Pour the yogurt into a small plastic container
  • Add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix thoroughly. Leave the mask for 15 minutes to thicken.
  • Apply a thick layer of the mask to your face.
  • Leave it on the skin for an hour. Avoid direct sunlight during this time.
  • Rinse off the mask with cool water.

If the skin is healthy, well-groomed, nourished and moisturized, it will look like this. This is why home cleansing of the face as well as proper moisturizing and providing the skin with nutrients is a guarantee of maintaining a youthful appearance for longer.

Remember about the huge potential of natural, easy-to-make homemade masks. By using them regularly you will find out about their great power!

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