How Did Radamel Falcao Overcome A Ligament Injury?

Radamel Falcao García’s career has been marked by both glory and tragedy. Indeed, the football world remembers his goals perfectly well, but also the traumatic ligament injury he suffered. We will tell you how he managed to recover.
How did Radamel Falcao overcome a ligament injury?

Radamel Falcao is one of the best footballers in Colombia’s history. This is evidenced by his great performances at clubs such as River Plate, Porto, Atlético de Madrid, Monaco, Manchester United, Chelsea and Galatasaray. The popular “Tiger”, however, remembers a problem that strongly marked his career.

Let’s see how this striker, currently playing for Santa Marta, managed to overcome a serious ligament injury! The fatal moment came in the 2013-2014 season when he was wearing a Monaco jersey. Exactly on January 23, 2014 in the duel for the French Cup with Chasselaya from Championnat National 2 (fourth French league).

The source of the injury was Soner Ertek’s attack, who, in a desperate attempt to reach the ball, cut Radamel’s left leg, causing the joints to twist in the opposite direction of natural movement. But what was the worst of all? Diagnosis of partial rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. How will Radamel Falcao deal with this challenge ?

What ligament injury has Radamel Falcao suffered?

To understand what this injury involves, we need to know that the cruciate ligaments, both anterior and posterior, form a type of “X”. This structure is used to connect and balance the bones in the knee.

As for the anterior cruciate ligament, its function is to prevent the tibia from sliding towards the outer area. The posterior cruciate ligament, on the other hand, is responsible for preventing the tibia from shifting back below the femur.

In addition, ligament injuries can be partial or complete, and sometimes the organ tears. In this sense, a partial injury consists of tearing one bundle of ligaments. In turn, a complete rupture corresponds to a tear in both tufts. Finally, a ligament rupture means a cruciate ligament rupture on one of the attachments.

Given this information, we have a better understanding of the uaz experienced by the Colombian footballer. A contemporary medical report revealed that Falcao suffered a partial rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This trauma involves a recovery period of around 6 months.

So the forward was questioned about his participation in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

Knee pain
The cruciate ligaments lie inside the knee, creating an X-shaped structure that stabilizes the joint.

How did Radamel Falcao overcome a ligament injury?

We’ll start with two basic aspects to explain how Radamel Falcao overcame the ligament injury: physical as well as mental.

The first step was an operation, which José Carlos Noronha, the surgeon in charge of the case, described to the media in a surprising way. “We will fabricate a new anterior cruciate ligament from a piece of patella on the left leg during an operation that will take 50 to 60 minutes.”

Thereafter, the recovery process was to wait about 4-5 weeks for the materials to be joined, followed by fixation of the tendon. From that moment on, it was finally time for active physiotherapy, also divided into several stages.

Physiotherapy phase 1

This phase was carried out 4 weeks after the intervention. Instead, her goal was to reduce any residual inflammation and any signs of pain. Among the measures taken, the following were used:

  • Performing isometric exercises.
  • Using exercises for motor control or kinetic control.
  • Gradual movements of the limb until both extension and 90 degree flexion are achieved.
  • Thorough rehabilitation to increase the range of motion.
  • Finally, gradually leaning on the foot.

Physiotherapy phase 2

The second phase of convalescence began between 6 and 10 weeks after the injury. The exact moment at which the next step in his recovery needed to be taken was given in view of the progress made in Falcao’s recovery. Then various alternatives were used:

  • Exercises for the hamstrings as well as for the quadriceps muscle of the thigh.
  • Proprioceptive classes.
  • Closed kinetic chain eccentric exercises.
  • Straightening the knee in a sitting position.
  • Closed kinetic chain concentric exercises.
  • Stationary bike.
  • Movements performed in the pool.

Physiotherapy phase 3

This stage started 3 months after the surgery, after the MRI was performed. Accordingly , the goal was to regain some of the basic athletic abilities, including both endurance and strength. 

The following physiotherapy activities were introduced:

  • Exercises to improve flexibility.
  • The use of eccentric and concentric exercises for both closed and open kinetic chains.
  • Exercises to strengthen the muscles.
  • Moderate jogging.
  • Advanced proprioceptive classes.
  • Cycling.
  • Swimming.
  • Exercises for aerobic endurance.
Swimming is a low-impact exercise that may be part of the rehabilitation process of the lower limbs.

Physiotherapy phase 4

Finally, it was the 4th phase of physical therapy that helps us understand how Radamel Falcao overcame his ligament injury. At this stage, the footballer already felt a significant improvement and his optimism about participation in the World Cup was growing.

However, the only obstacle was not recovering from partial ligament rupture, but getting in shape. This stage was performed 4 months after the injury and consisted of the following sequence:

  • Plyometric or jumping exercises.
  • Monopodal conditioning (with one foot rest)
  • Running on medium difficulty level.
  • Movement of rhythm changes.
  • Sequences of changes of direction.

Radamel Falcao is finally back in the game

Between 5 and 6 months, the moment of truth has come. In this final phase of recovery, the psychological aspect played a particularly important role. With the help of a specialist, Radamel Falcao had to strengthen thoughts based on self-confidence, peace, emotional balance, and remove fears that an accident would cause trauma with the same characteristics.

Admittedly, Radamel Falcao put in an enormous effort and made countless sacrifices to overcome a ligament injury.

However, the shortened time did not allow him to reach the necessary form to be selected by José Néstor Pékerman for the team appointed for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

But just like in life, football gave Falcao a chance for a rematch. 4 years later, in Russia 2018, he not only took part in the championship, but was the captain of the team.

So how did Radamel Falcao deal with the ligament injury? In short, the answer lies in perfect surgery, specialized rehabilitation, mental strength and, above all, remarkable resilience.

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