How To Clean And Store Makeup Products?

Cosmetics must be properly looked after. Alcohol and soap will be useful for this. So find out how to clean and store your makeup products.
How to clean and store makeup products?

Make-up products should be properly cleaned and stored. It is not difficult and at the same time is of great importance. Invisible bacteria pose a threat to our health.

It is possible that you make mistakes when caring for these types of items, which could endanger your health. These utensils come into contact with the skin and mucosa. For example, the mascara is applied close to the eye, which can lead to irritation.

Make-up products as well as brushes and applicators should be  clean and disinfected to prevent infections. Nor should they be shared with anyone. Makeup can be dangerous to health, although it is a silent risk.

How to store makeup products?

Cosmetics are also applied in places that constitute the entrance to the body. That is why proper cleaning and storage of cosmetic utensils is so important.

All such products have an expiry date. If you notice a strange change in texture, smell or color – do not use them. Remember that some cosmetics contain water and plant extracts or oils, which are natural ingredients that can deteriorate when exposed to heat or moisture.

Every time you open the cream, air rushes inside. Close packages carefully immediately after use. The use-by time is counted from the first opening.


It may not seem practical, but  eye creams should be kept in the refrigerator. Then they better remove bags under the eyes, because the cold increases their effectiveness. They constrict blood vessels faster and reduce swelling.

The refrigerator also improves the effectiveness of products with retinol, a derivative of vitamin A. Similarly, the low temperature affects liquid makeup bases, nail polishes and fruit masks.

The refrigerator will therefore help you extend the useful life of your products. This also applies to those containing vitamin C.

Many cosmetics can be stored in the refrigerator.

Cool place with no sunlight

Eyeliners and mascaras should be kept in a cool place. This prevents the multiplication of bacteria and the effects of high temperature on the pigments. These products come into contact with very sensitive zones.

Lip cosmetics sometimes melt when exposed to high temperatures. Organic products without preservatives are also gentler and spoil faster.

Moisturizing creams with sunscreen should not stand in the sun, even if they have opaque packaging. The same applies to perfumes,  which can be modified under the influence of sunlight. This is because heat and moisture change the scents of essential oils.

Store in a dry place

Store powders in a dry place because moisture has a negative effect on them. It’s best to keep them outside the bathroom and away from a radiator.

Do the same with sponges and brushes. They should always be dry and clean. After use, dry them in the sun or with a hair dryer. Also remember that moisture promotes the growth of bacteria.

How to disinfect cosmetic utensils

Cosmetic utensils should only be used by one person. Sharing them puts you at risk of contracting disease. They should also be disinfected regularly – if not after each use, then at least once a week.

The best disinfectant is isopropyl alcohol (70%) in a spray bottle. Sprinkle it on brushes, sponges, combs and hairpins.


Wipe the edges of cream packages and bottles with alcohol as well. If you are unsure about the condition of the powder, remove the top layer, spray with alcohol and air dry.

In principle,  all products can be sprayed with alcohol from a distance of about 15 centimeters  and allowed to dry for a few minutes. Eyeliners are enough to sharpen. However, the sharpener should be disinfected with alcohol first.

To avoid damaging the bristles, dry the brushes on paper towels. Sponges can also be made of soap and water and air dried.

Make-up accessories should be disinfected.

Clean cosmetics to protect your health

Remember one thing : never put your fingers directly into the packaging,  even if your hands are clean. Always use applicators, pads, sponges or a brush. Disinfect the utensils after use and regularly replace them with new ones.

Forget about putting food on the shelf without proper hygiene. If you do this, you may get acne.

Disinfect and clean the box in which you keep your makeup accessories as well. Otherwise, it is useless to care for the hygiene of its contents.

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