How To Clean The Mattress You Sleep On?

In addition to removing moisture, dirt and all kinds of bacteria, including mites, baking soda is refreshing, thanks to which our mattress will regain freshness.
How to clean the mattress you sleep on?

Did you know that the mattress on which you sleep well can harbor mites ? They are saprophagic arachnids, the number of which can vary from 100,000 to 10,000,000 depending on their age. This should not be underestimated as they can be a real threat to our health.

You may not even realize, but your sleep problems or endless allergies can be caused by uninvited guests who have sat on your mattress . How to deal with this?

Experts recommend replacing it every 10 years, but it all depends on the quality of the mattress and whether it provides you with adequate comfort and rest. It is obvious that you need to do a general cleaning periodically, this way you will reduce the likelihood of mites occurring.

Today you will learn how to do it quickly and easily!

Why is a clean and refreshed mattress so important?

Surely you have heard that it is better not to make the bed immediately after getting up, but to leave it made of it for at least two more hours. This is only partially true. What we definitely should do is open the bedroom window and ventilate it.


Immunologists agree that thanks to this action:

  • the mites will be killed
  • you have to remember that these insects are arthropods, which means they have an exoskeleton. After their death, our bedding and mattress will be filled with dead mite remains, which are dangerous for all allergy sufferers and others.
  • it’s best to change your bedding once a week, this will keep it fresh and reduce the likelihood of mites. However, how to clean the mattress?

The impact of mites on our health

  • as already mentioned mite is microscopic arachnids, which easily pass through the holes in the fabric sheets. This means that even replacing them regularly will not guarantee that they do not get onto the mattress
  • the factor that triggers allergic reactions is mite faeces and dead mite debris. Therefore, even if you ventilate your bedroom and bedding and keep your bed not made, dead mites will not be removed.
  • one of the symptoms that results from living in an environment full of mites is an allergy. Tearing, red eyes, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, sore throat are just some of the symptoms that can bother us.
  • if you wake up your eyes are very often red, it means that the mattress and bedding are infested with mites.
  • skin problems, insomnia, headaches are also symptoms that we should pay attention to. So if your mattress is more than 10 years old, you now know that similar symptoms are not accidental.

How to effectively clean and disinfect a mattress?

Mattress cleaning products needed

  • a glass of baking soda (250g)
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil
  • plastic container with a lid
  • colander or sieve

    A clean mattress

How to clean the mattress?

  • It is very easy! First, remove the sheet from the mattress and move it to a sunny and clean place. It’s best to use a balcony or terrace
  • Why do we use soda? Because it is an economical and effective product; it will make cleaning much easier for us. It will allow us to remove moisture and all types of bacteria, dirt and, above all, mites.
  • As for tea tree oil, it is one of the best natural disinfectants out there. You can easily find it in health food stores. It is inexpensive and can be used later for hand sanitizer, bathroom and kitchen cleaning. It has a very pleasant smell, thanks to which the mattress will not only be clean, but also smell nice
  • Then  spray the mixture on the mattress through a sieve or colander. Thanks to this, we will distribute it evenly. We leave it for one hour, then repeat the treatment on the other side and wait another 60 minutes.
  • Finally, to remove the remnants of the mixture, you need to vacuum the mattress on both sides. As you can see, it will not take much time, and the guarantee of such a monthly cleaning will be healthy and deep sleep. Do you want to find out?

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