How To Lose Weight By Reducing Fructose Intake?

Have you tried everything from counting calories to eliminating sugar yet still unable to lose weight? Limiting your fructose intake may be a solution for you.
How to lose weight by reducing fructose intake?

There are countless theories of how easy it is to lose weight. Some recommend counting calories, others blame all excess weight on consuming fat.

There are also those that criticize sugar and carbohydrates. If none of them convince you, we will tell you how to lose weight by limiting food rich in fructose.

Endless theories on how to lose weight

What happens to people who try a variety of weight loss diets? Let’s look at 4 of the most popular strategies to lose weight:

1. Counting calories

This trend is slowly fading into oblivion as more and more nutritionists agree that calories affect the body differently depending on what kind of food we eat. 

This means that the 100 calories a cucumber provides is not equal to the 100 calories a cookie offers.

2. Limiting the consumption of fats

This strategy is similar to counting calories because we often forget about the healthy fats our body needs to perform its functions properly.

Do not eliminate nuts, cold-pressed oils (olive oil, coconut oil, sesame, flax), avocado, seeds, egg yolks, etc. from your diet.

3. Elimination of sugars

When it comes to eliminating sugars, yes, most nutritionists agree with this theory. Throwing sugar out of the diet helps us lose weight.

Nevertheless, this type of treatment may not be enough for you to lose weight.

4. Rejection of processed carbohydrates

Bread, cookies, baked goods, pizza, etc. One of the best ways to lose weight is to remove these foods from your diet. This solution also involves limiting the consumption of animal protein as this could contribute to the yo-yo effect.

feet on weight

The fructose theory

Who is this theory for?

The fructose theory was developed for people who have tried several of the above diets, but have not been satisfied with any of them, or have returned to their previous weight after discontinuing the diet. These people:

  • have difficulty losing weight
  • they eat a lot of fruit,
  • they want to lose weight in a healthy way, without counting calories or eliminating fat from their diet.

What is fructose?

Fructose is a sugar found in fruit and honey, and it is also found in small amounts in some vegetables.

Fructose along with glucose is present in ordinary sugar, as well as in corn and wheat syrup used to sweeten pastries, jams and other goodies.

Recent studies have analyzed the negative effects of fructose on human metabolism.

There are also studies looking at the link between increased levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream and the accumulation of fat around the abdomen, and obesity in general – among other health problems.

Therefore, many people who have cut down on sugar unknowingly consume a high amount of fructose a day. This may be one of the reasons why they are unable to lose weight or improve their health.

What foods are high in fructose?

sweets and cookies

To implement our healthy proposition, we suggest that you completely eliminate the following fructose-rich foods:

  • Carbonated drinks and bottled fruit juices
  • A sweet, creamy Frappuccino coffee
  • Sweetened breakfast crisps
  • Cakes and other pastries
  • Ice cream and sweetened yoghurts
  • Jams, marmalades, fruit in syrup
  • Processed honey and syrups
  • Alcohol
  • Whole grain bread

On the other hand, we also recommend that you limit your consumption of the following fructose-rich fruits (the list shows the fruits with the highest fructose content, the lowest):

  • Raisins, dates, dried figs
  • Mango and papaya
  • Grapes
  • Pears and apples
  • Watermelon
  • Berries
  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple

Fruits with a low fructose content

But are we to limit all fruits? After all, they are very rich in vitamins and minerals.

If you want to lose weight and you haven’t even tried a series of miracle diets, we suggest that you try a fructose restricted diet.

You can eat the following fruits (the list ranging from the lowest fructose content to the highest):

  • Lemons and limes
  • Cranberries
  • Apricots
  • Guava
  • Melon
  • Kiwi
  • Blackberries
  • Cherries

Instead of drinking fruit juices, even if you prepare them at home, we recommend smoothies in which you can combine leafy greens with low-fructose fruit.

Try it out!

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