How To Make Hair Grow Faster?

Apply olive oil to the scalp, it will moisturize the hair roots and make new strands grow strong and healthy.
How to make hair grow faster?

Although we do not notice it, our hair is constantly renewed, so in order to grow beautiful and long, it must be healthy.

Hair , like the rest of our body, needs nutrients and vitamins to support its growth. Therefore, in order to have beautiful and healthy strands, it is recommended to eat protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs and meat.

Habits that accelerate hair growth

You need to know that there are ready-made products available on the market, as well as those that you can prepare at home to accelerate hair growth. However, remember that your hair will not grow faster than 1.5 cm to 3 cm per month.

Now, we are going to give you some tips that are necessary to stimulate hair growth. They are based on natural products, which is their great advantage and advantage over products available in stores.

  • It is very important to wash your hair no more than two to three times a week to preserve the natural oils.
  • The shampoo we use should not contain salt as it can dry out your hair.
  • When washing your hair, it’s best to use cold water – it will add shine and strength to your hair.
  • Massage your scalp thoroughly as you apply your shampoo and conditioner.

Brush your hair often

Use a soft brush to avoid pulling your hair. Combing your hair stimulates the release of natural oils that moisturize the scalp and, of course, the strands themselves.

Do not abuse the straightener and hair dryer

The woman straightens her hair

Nowadays, using a straightener and a hair dryer seems to be essential. However, remember not to abuse these devices. It is very important to keep them set to low temperatures, otherwise they can severely damage the hair structure.

Also, remember not to use the straightener on wet or damp hair. Although there are special devices on the market designed for this purpose, it is better to avoid them because wet strands are much more prone to damage and breakage.

Avoid stress

It is obvious that there are many situations during the week that are stressful for you: studies, school, family, work, etc.

Remember, however, that stress should be treated from the very beginning, because it can cause serious illness or lead to changes in our appearance or mind.

When you live under constant stress, it has a very bad effect on our appearance, and especially affects the condition of the hair, causing it to weaken, lose its shine and fall out.

Natural ways to quickly grow hair

olive oil

Apply olive oil to the scalp, it will moisturize the hair roots and make new strands grow strong and healthy.

  • After applying to the scalp, leave it on for thirty minutes, then rinse with water.


  • In live aloe vera gel with a touch of honey and apply on the scalp – this will stimulate hair growth.
  • Leave this mixture on your hair for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  • You can also add aloe vera gel to your daily shampoo.

An avocado

  • You can use it like aloe vera by adding the crushed pulp to the shampoo, but you can also mix it with honey, rubbing it into a smooth mass and applying it to your hair in the form of a mask.
  • Massage the mask thoroughly into your hair and leave it for a few minutes.
  • It can be used three times a month for better results.


  • You can prepare a tomato puree and add some olive oil to it.
  • Apply this mask on the scalp, gently massaging it, leave it for a few minutes and then rinse with water.

Egg white

Egg contains vitamins that our hair needs to grow healthy.

  • Beat the egg whites and apply the resulting foam to your hair, massage for a while, then rinse with water.
  • As we know, the smell of an egg is not very pleasant, so you can apply the egg white mousse to your hair and then wash it with your favorite shampoo.

Essential oils

As we mentioned before, your hair needs natural oils so that it can retain the necessary nutrients.

  • You can help these natural oils by applying a few drops of lavender oil, jojoba oil and thyme oil to your hair.
  • After applying this mixture, massage your hair from root to tip.

Apple vinegar

You can use it after washing your hair.

  • Apply it to the entire length of your hair and leave it on for a while.
  • Massage it into the scalp, it will help to stimulate the work of the hair follicles.
  • Finally rinse with water.

Trim the ends

The hairdresser cuts the woman's hair

Trim the ends of your hair at least once every three months as they become weaker over time and slow down hair growth.


Remember to have good sleep habits as it is essential for hair growth and care. We hope these simple and economical ways that we shared with you will help you speed up your hair growth.

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