How To Relieve Tension, Or A Diet For Nerves

Did you know that there are products that, thanks to the high content of valuable nutrients, help to relieve stress and soothe the nerves? They are also perfect for the natural therapy of anxiety and mild depression.
How to relieve tension, i.e. a diet for nerves

If you are a nervous person by nature or have a stressful job, you should definitely include in your daily diet products that will help you relieve nervous tension and restore your internal balance in a safe way for your body .

See for yourself that a delicious salad of green leaves with the addition of nuts, sunflower seeds, brewer’s yeast and basil fantastically relieves tension and restores a good mood and an optimistic attitude to life in the blink of an eye.

The following products contain substances that naturally strengthen the nervous system and help prevent the devastating consequences of stress, uncontrolled attacks of anxiety and fear, and depression. What’s more, they greatly improve mood and help to avoid irritability and sudden changes in mood.

Meet 10 products without which you will not be able to imagine a single day soon!

How to naturally relieve nervous tension?

Before we move on to specific products, we would like to clarify a few issues related to stress, tension and vulnerability to anxiety and fear attacks. The first thing to emphasize is that depending on our personality type, some of us are more nervous than others.

However, this does not mean that it always has to be that way. Not only nature and biological conditions are responsible for the activity and condition of the nervous system. There are many other factors that cause tension in our body and can lead to serious psychological disorders.

If you too live under constant stress, you struggle with excess responsibilities every day and you don’t have time to rest , start by changing your daily diet.

Diet for the nerve

1. Green leafy vegetables

The greener the vegetables, the better. Our nervous system loves dark green leaves with a huge dose of chlorophyll. In addition, they are a source of many other valuable nutrients that help soothe shattered nerves in a short time and greatly improve your well-being.

Green smoothie - fruits and vegetables

There are basically two ways to ensure your body gets enough nutrients to relieve tension effectively:

  • As an addition to meals (second breakfast, lunch and dinner). Make a habit of preparing nutritious salads based on lettuce, kale, arugula, spinach, chicory, fresh herbs … The more green on your plate, the more efficiently you will strengthen your nervous system.
  • In the form of a green cocktail for breakfast and afternoon tea. You can add fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, such as bananas, strawberries, pineapples, papaya, etc. to the green leaves.

2. Oatmeal

Oats are a cereal with a very high content of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein and dietary fiber) that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They affect our nerves in two different ways:

  • They nourish the body’s cells and provide a huge dose of energy.
  • They relieve nervous tension, fight anxiety and help control irritability and frequent mood changes.

The best way to prepare oatmeal is the traditional breakfast porridge . You can also add them to smoothies, yoghurt, salads, sauces, soups, etc.

3. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast (yeast yeast) is an inactive yeast with exceptional nutritional value that perfectly soothes shattered nerves and helps reduce stress. They are a valuable source of B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium and zinc.

Brewer’s yeast has a very positive effect on the work of the nervous system, thanks to which it is effective in combating stress and anxiety. In addition, they have a great effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Beer yeast

Try to consume brewer’s yeast every day. The ideal dose is 10 grams of this valuable supplement daily. Add it to juices, cereals, salads, sauces …

4. Basil leaves

Fresh basil leaves are an authentic balm for tarnished nerves, especially those that are manifested, inter alia, by stomach pain and disturbed digestive processes. Reach for this relaxing plant at times when stress constricts your stomach and your intestines completely lose control of their basic functions.

We can eat basil in any form to soothe tension. It is as effective as an infusion, salad dressing or essential oil, which will relax you during a relaxing bath in the bathtub.

5. Nuts

The results of numerous studies have confirmed the thesis that walnuts are a fantastic natural antidepressant drug. They are a valuable source of healthy fatty acids that stimulate the production of serotonin by the body.

This substance is an extremely important messenger that is responsible, among others, for well-being and helps to relieve nervous tension and effectively prevents depression and anxiety attacks.

What’s more, walnuts also contain a large dose of B vitamins, which in turn strengthen the entire nervous system in a completely natural and safe way, helping us maintain well-being and optimism.

Italian nuts

Try to eat a handful of nuts every day. You can eat them raw or toast and use them as an addition to salads, smoothies, sauces and desserts.

6. Bananas

There is no need to convince anyone that bananas are delicious, sweet and very nutritious. These exotic fruits are an enormously valuable source of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy for the whole day.

In addition, bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins. These are two nutrients that have a very beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system of our body. Just one ripe banana a day will provide your cells with energy for work and will greatly improve your mood.

The great thing about bananas is that you can always carry this fruit in your purse or backpack. And then reach for it when we feel a decline in form or fall into the trap of stress and nervous tension.

Don’t forget to add bananas to your favorite smoothies and smoothies. They make our natural drinks creamy and wonderfully sweet. Baked bananas with a hint of cinnamon are also an excellent dessert.

7. Lemon

It has been known for a long time that citrus fruits are like a gigantic injection of energy for our body. They will perfectly improve your mood. And they also help to alleviate the destructive effects of excessive stress and nervous tension.

Lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, tangerine… all are valuable sources of nutrients. What’s more, lemon is also famous for its strong healing properties.


Start each day with a glass of lukewarm water and lemon juice. Thanks to this, enjoy health, good humor and resistance to stress ! As unbelievable as it sounds, sour lemon will be effective in helping you soothe your troubled nerves and restore your inner balance and optimism.

8. Lentils

Do you want to de-stress and eat well at the same time? – Cook the lentils for dinner. This legume, still underestimated in our country, is a valuable source of magnesium, B vitamins, vegetable protein and dietary fiber.

There are thousands of ways to serve lentils. If you don’t like stews, learn to make vegan lentil burgers or just add cooked grains to your salads. They blend in fantastically with green-leaved vegetables, beetroot, soy sprouts or goat cheese. The choice in this matter is yours alone!

9. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a spice that not everyone likes, because it is very spicy. However, despite its fiery taste, it is famous for its healing properties. Like a lotion, they soothe tarnished nerves and help to relieve insomnia in a natural way.

Although Cayenne pepper is healthy and has a very beneficial effect on the work of the entire body, it should be consumed in small amounts. As we mentioned, it is very spicy. So it will definitely take a long time to get used to this new culinary supplement.

Cayenne pepper

Try to add a little cayenne pepper to salads and sauces. It will enhance their taste and at the same time strengthen the immune system and help you get rid of stress and nervous tension.

10. Avocados

Avocado is a fruit that should not be missing in any healthy diet, not only the one recommended for the nerves. Green flesh is an authentic super food product that, thanks to its high nutrient content, helps to make up any kind of deficiency in the body.

Just one avocado a day provides our body with a gigantic dose of vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids, protein and dietary fiber. So try not to run out of delicious, creamy avocado flesh on your plate every day.

Add it to cocktails, salads, sandwiches, starters, creams, sandwich spreads, sauces … Avocado goes perfectly with all meals. After just a few weeks of regular consumption of this exotic fruit, you will notice a significant improvement in your overall health.

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