How To Speed Up Your Metabolism To Lose Weight

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight

Although your metabolism is largely hereditary, you are not destined to be shaped by it. You don’t have to live with excess weight and the discomforts it brings.

It’s always possible to speed up your metabolism so that it works with you, not against you. Some studies have found that each of today’s tips increases your metabolism , making your body lose weight faster, healthier and more naturally.

Everything happens in less time and with less effort.

1. Eat something healthy for breakfast every day to speed up your metabolism

By eating something healthy for breakfast (like an omelette with spinach and feta cheese with a piece of whole grain toast) shortly after you get up, you’ll make your metabolism work immediately and properly.

This is because breakfast gives your body energy and the body stops storing fat. It starts working with the food that is being served allowing you to lose weight naturally.

It’s also a good idea to eat something light for dinner, as you will spend several hours on an empty stomach at night and your body will accumulate as much fat as possible.

2. Add green tea to your diet

Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties, but it has also recently been discovered that it speeds up your metabolism and therefore enables you to lose weight quickly.

Scientists from various universities have conducted studies with several groups of people to determine the benefits of drinking green tea.

green tea

One lesson learned was that people who started drinking green tea lost weight faster because it facilitated fat oxidation and thermogenesis.

Five cups of green tea a day is the right dose, thanks to which you will significantly increase the amount of energy, with only 90 calories consumed.

3. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

We already know that eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon or tuna) speeds up your metabolism.  It also regulates blood sugar levels and fights other health conditions (such as inflammation).

Some studies have shown that these fatty acids can also help reduce leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that facilitates weight loss.

If you don’t like eating fish, you can get omega-3 in the form of a dietary supplement that contains 1000 to 2000 mg of the active ingredient or eat dried fruit.

4. Don’t eliminate all calories from your diet

It seems to us that whoever eliminates more calories from his diet will lose weight more easily.

While this may turn out to be true at first, when your body realizes you are providing fewer calories, it will begin to build up energy stores by storing fat.


This is why eating speeds up your metabolism when you choose healthy and nutritious foods.  It is also important that you do not fasten for long periods.

It’s best to eat 6 times a day (300 calories each), rather than eating 2 meals that are too heavy or have too many calories.

5. Perform exercises of varying intensity

While exercising (walking, swimming, running, etc.), add a few 30-second intervals where you increase the intensity of your exercise before resuming your normal training session .

These slight changes will make the body use more energy, greatly enhance the cells’ ability to regenerate, and help them retain more oxygen.

This allows you to spend less time exercising to get the results you want faster. Intervals, you can enter into any sport you practice.

6. Take a break after training

Exercise is a gift that you can give to your body and health, but when it is very intense, it can also make you very tired.

Girl exercising

While exercise helps to speed up your metabolism, rest is a key factor in helping your body regain complete peace.

It is important that you burn more calories during exercise than you are supplying to your body. This will help you lose weight more effectively.

7. Avoid trans fats

Everyone has heard about how harmful this type of fat is. But not everyone knows that it also reduces the body’s natural ability to burn fat.

This is because it changes cells and slows down metabolism. As if that were not enough, it can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation.

Therefore, eliminate trans fats from your diet to speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

8. Increase your protein intake

The body takes longer to digest protein-rich foods than foods high in fat or carbohydrates.


This means that when you eat protein, you feel full longer and your metabolism is constantly working and burning fat. This translates into a significant increase in metabolism and a reduction in the feeling of hunger.

It has also been shown that eating protein leads to muscle growth, not fat.

Speed ​​up your metabolism with a good diet

Genes influence certain properties in your body. But some changes can help you take control of them so that you can achieve the results you want.

Speeding up your metabolism means it works faster, so it burns more calories and keeps your weight at an ideal level.

By following these tips, you are giving your body the opportunity to stay naturally healthy.

This is much healthier than trying complicated diets. They bring very little results or force poor dietary decisions that can lead to disease development.

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