Hypothyroidism – 5 Rules Of A Healthy Breakfast

If you have an underactive thyroid gland, there is nothing better to start your day with a high dose of iodine from natural sources such as blueberries and oatmeal.
Hypothyroidism - 5 rules for a healthy breakfast

Underactive thyroid makes your life is not easy.

Although it is a disease that we can control with proper treatment, it is something all patients should be aware of: you need to change your eating habits.

Any changes taking place in our thyroid gland trigger a series of changes in our body that force us to follow certain rules, including healthy eating.


In the case of hypothyroidism, there is a lack of thyroid hormone. Gradually, this leads to changes in the metabolic, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Weight gain, hair weakness, fatigue and changes in body temperature are symptoms that quickly affect many people’s lives.

Nevertheless, correct treatment is usually effective and patients are able to stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland.

When taking medication, what dietary guidelines should you follow? Below are 5 rules for a good breakfast.

1. To treat hypothyroidism, say yes to natural drinks

carrot juice for hypothyroidism

Nutritionists tell us that the first thing we need to remember about hypothyroidism is a balanced diet.

For example, we know that an increased intake of iodine will regulate the thyroid hormone when its levels are lowered.

It’s not just about eating foods rich in this mineral. We must not go to extremes.

  • We must remember that coffee, as well as tea or soy, are not recommended when we suffer from hypothyroidism. However, we do not have to exclude them completely from our diet. We can enjoy their taste from time to time, but not several times a day.
  • Starting the day without a huge cup of coffee can be a traumatic experience at first, but you can safely afford three small cups of coffee a week.

What you really need to focus on is increasing the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet. Pay attention to these natural drinks, which will be a great ingredient in a nutritious breakfast.

  • Natural carrot juice.
  • Natural apple juice.
  • Cucumber, lemon and spirulina smoothie.

2. Garlic

Garlic has very good thyroid regulating properties and is therefore excellent for treating hypothyroidism. It is rich in iodine and selenium, which are two basic minerals needed in the fight against this disease.

It helps speed up your metabolism, along with many other essential functions. We recommend the following action:

  • Spread two cloves of garlic over a wholemeal toast.
  • You can also make an omelette with garlic – eggs are also recommended for hypothyroidism.

3. Oatmeal for hypothyroidism

oatmeal with fruit

You can eat porridge with slices of apples, kiwi, strawberries and peaches.

  • It stimulates digestion and helps regulate the work of the intestines, which is a common problem in hypothyroidism.
  • The iodine content will support both metabolic and hormonal functions.
  • We must not forget that oatmeal improves mood, regulates bad cholesterol (LDL) and is very filling.

Make sure to try the porridge for breakfast!

4. Whole grain flakes with nuts

Whole grain flakes provide nutrients, fiber and minerals that are essential in the fight against hypothyroidism.

  • They regulate blood sugar levels and also allow you to control your appetite.
  • Grains are fundamental in increasing iodine levels. If you add a tablespoon of nuts and some fruit, you get a full, tasty breakfast.

5. Natural yoghurt

natural yogurt for hypothyroidism

Even if you are lactose intolerant, the right kind of natural yogurt is a great breakfast idea. It is a natural probiotic rich in iodine.

You will gain more if you find an eco-friendly version, or a home-made version if you know how to make it.

6. Blueberries for hypothyroidism

Did you know blueberries are a natural source of antioxidants and contain a lot of iodine ?

  • Try to eat them in season. Add to plain yogurt or mix it with a spoonful of oatmeal for a delicious breakfast.

Don’t forget to move

To sum up, a great way to start the day is to take care of our thyroid by eating a decent breakfast. The options we’ve covered here are very good for hypothyroidism.

So, as long as you have time, after a good breakfast, there is nothing better than going for a walk or doing yoga. Some poses activate the thyroid gland by squeezing, stretching, and stimulating the part of the body where the gland is located.

It is worth considering such activation.

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