Iced Lemon – Benefits For Your Health

Iced lemon - benefits for your health

Did you know that  frozen lemon has a number of properties that can positively affect your health? More and more people are starting to take full advantage of them.

Indeed, a frozen lemon  is the secret key to health: no matter if it is peeled or peeled. Do you want to know how to benefit from it? Read on.

Why is frozen lemon so beneficial?

First, we need to explain what the frozen lemon therapy actually is. Many cancer sufferers typically use it as an adjunct to their chemotherapy sessions.

 This is because frozen lemon contains antioxidants that fight malignant cells and protect the body’s natural defenses. Cancer sufferers often undergo very aggressive treatments that severely attack their immune system.

Lemon juice is effective and very easy to use.

It should be noted, however, that the frozen lemon exhibits not only anti-cancer properties. Below we present a few more of its advantages.

1. Natural rich source of vitamins

Lemon peel contains at least 10 times more vitamins than juice ! It is worth knowing that its outer layer of this healing fruit – the one that we usually just throw away – is the most valuable.

In addition, frozen lemon is an excellent source of the following vitamins: 

  • Pectins
  • Vitamins C.
  • Flavonoids (like mandarins)
  • Over 22 different compounds that slow down cell oxidation.

2. Protection and strengthening of the immune system

Overall, this fruit is wonderful. Frozen lemon will effectively fight many common diseases, such as classic colds, numerous infections, or flu … 

Many people take advantage of the rich infusions of lemon peel, but you must see that cooking it causes the loss of up to 40% of its health properties. However, if it is frozen, all its properties will be preserved. However, the fruit itself will still be very tasty and easy to eat.

3. A frozen lemon for weight loss

As you already know, lemon cleans the body very well and fights lipids present in the blood, which contribute to the formation of bad cholesterol  and which are deposited in the body as fat.

According to nutritionists, it’s a good idea to eat about 75 grams of lemon each day to help you lose a few kilos in a healthy way. However, it should always be accompanied by a healthy diet.

How is a frozen lemon prepared?

Frozen lemon is so easy to prepare that you will soon find out that you will not be able to do without this great natural remedy. Its interesting taste is also noteworthy, which gives character to many dishes. Here’s what you need:

Lemon and kitchen utensils


  • 2 lemons
  • grater

A method of preparing:

It is enough to put two lemons in the freezer for the whole day. There is no mystery to it. Some people cut the fruit into two or three pieces first so that it is easier to grate later. However, we recommend that you freeze them whole.

How To Consume A Frozen Lemon?

As we mentioned earlier, it’s ideal to consume  75 grams of a frozen lemon each day To do this, you must grate the fruit when it is completely frozen. You will immediately feel their natural scent.

Yoghurt with fruit

Add frozen lemon to your meals for an even more original flavor. Here are some ways to use a frozen lemon:

  • Add 25 grams of frozen and grated lemon to a natural sugar-free fruit.
  • Add 25 grams of frozen and grated lemon to your salad with spinach, nuts, fresh cheese, a few slices of salmon, and cherry tomatoes.
  • You can add grated and iced lemon to any fresh brew. For example, for chilled green tea – the perfect solution for the evening.
  • Frozen lemon also tastes great with a fruit salad. For example, you can prepare a salad from a bowl of pineapple pieces, three strawberries, half a kiwi fruit, chopped nuts, and about 25 grams of frozen, grated lemon.

Frozen lemon allows us to use the benefits of lemon peel, which we usually just throw away. Remember that from now on there are no more excuses. You and your family can reap many health benefits from this simple home remedy.  So why not put a lemon in your freezer now?

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