Ideal Partner – What Kind Of Person Should He Be?

Each of us dreams of an ideal relationship, but we are not always able to say what it should be like. Find out what features are most important in a potential partner.
Ideal partner - What kind of person should he be?

The ideal partner  probably does not exist and it is worth emphasizing it from the very beginning – we are all only human and we have our faults and limitations.

However, this does not change the fact that although ideal people do not exist, we can still look for certain features in people with whom we would like to be associated, which are crucial for a successful relationship.

Unfortunately, sometimes we attach too much to superficial features, such as appearance – we dream that our  partner would  be, for example, a tall brunette with hazel eyes. Remember, that’s not the point! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the traits that are really important in a potential partner.

What kind of person should our partner be?

Searching for the perfect partner is not an easy journey and can cause some problems in the long run. For example, if we make our choice dependent on the external features mentioned above, after some time it may turn out that, on a deeper level, we do not suit our partner at all.

Such a relationship, not based on a stronger bond and thread of understanding, unfortunately has little chance of survival.


Building a lasting relationship with the right person requires maturity and awareness of what we are really looking for and what we are striving for. You have to remember that there are no perfect people, which does not mean that you cannot somehow define your requirements and priorities as to what kind of person your partner should be.

Do not look for a walking ideal, but someone who will best meet your needs and with whom you will be connected with something special – something that will cover even some imperfections and flaws of each of you. Below you will find a list of a few points that are particularly worth paying attention to.

What is your partner afraid of?

Each of us is afraid of something and there is nothing wrong with it, but some fears can have a very negative impact on your potential or future relationship with a given person.

For example, if your partner is primarily driven by a fear of loneliness, your relationship may turn out to be a toxic relationship based on emotional dependence.

Many fears can be dealt with together, but in a toxic relationship, these kinds of emotions can overwhelm and suppress you. Another trait is a panic fear of betrayal, and therefore – to put it bluntly – a lack of trust.

Ryan Gosling, the perfect partner

It may result from bad past experiences, but unfortunately does not bode well for the future.

The person’s fears are most often a symptom of low self-esteem, which you can try to raise to some extent. However, constantly answering questions about where and with whom you have been, or even taking away your right to privacy (for example on social media) can prove too exhausting and tiring.

Before you decide to establish a permanent relationship with a given person, it is necessary to investigate whether and what fears determine their behavior.

What kind of person is she?

A popular saying goes that opposites attract. In reality, however, your personality must match at least some extent to your partner’s character traits – and vice versa.

Characterological conflicts may later manifest themselves in even the most mundane situations; For example, imagine a house where one of the people is a terrible mess and the other is quite the opposite – has a rather pedantic disposition.


Remember that you cannot change another person, even if you are in a very close relationship with them. Of course, working out some compromises is always possible, but some of the differences between you may prove to be too difficult to overcome.

However, if you feel that you have more connections than divide – good luck! This bodes well for the future.

It also happens that only after some time we become aware of the partner’s behavior or views that irritate or worry us. It is quite a natural symptom when the first crush has passed, and perhaps this is the perfect time to ask yourself – what next?

Is he open to the world and emotions?

For some of us, it is really difficult to talk about ourselves or our emotions, while others can talk at all times, with everyone and everything. Since communication is the foundation of any relationship, it is worth asking yourself at the beginning what style of communication is closest to your partner.

An inadequate diagnosis at this stage can later be a source of misunderstandings, quarrels about trivialities, or simply a complete lack of communication with your partner. Pay attention to whether your partner is really listening to you?

Does he talk openly about his problems? Does he ever miss the truth? Answer these questions honestly and the future of your relationship will become clear.

What attracts you to this person?

Sometimes, in search of a partner, we lose common sense and the ability to perceive the world rationally; we idealize the person, and infatuation simply blinds us. Then we forget about the whole world and do not even bother to think rationally about our choices.

Nevertheless, try to be smart about it; when the magic of infatuation subsides, reality may turn out to be a big disappointment. Prepare for it and choose so that your future partner does not turn out to be one big mistake.

Couple, partner

Think about what your partner got you interested in? What attracts you to him? What features do you value the most in it? There must be something special about it; something that made you choose just him. It is these features that will keep you interested in each other and willing to create beautiful things together, even after a long time.

Searching for a partner does not always have to and sometimes should not even be our goal. Most often, life itself gives us ready-made scenarios and characters who will play the most important roles in it. Wait patiently and happiness will knock on your door!

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