Insomnia: Plants Perfect For Your Bedroom

Did you know that valerian – in addition to being perfect for infusions and relaxing teas – can help us relax before bed, and even sleep better and deeper? It is enough for us to put this plant in our bedroom.
Insomnia: plants perfect for your bedroom

Do you have difficulty falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night? If so, you may have to deal with the problem of insomnia. You will probably need to take some steps to improve the quality of your sleep.

Insomnia seems like a trivial problem at first, which is why we often ignore it. It turns out, however, that if we do not properly control it, it will significantly reduce our productivity and energy levels during the day. It will also begin to affect other areas of your life.

Poor quality of sleep can cause a loss of physical strength and mental performance, can greatly reduce the mood, create difficulties in concentrating and other complications that significantly reduce the quality of life.

Fortunately, there are many steps we can take to combat insomnia and start enjoying deep, blissful sleep that regenerates our strength. One of the simplest and 100% natural methods is to introduce relaxing plants into your bedroom decor.

They are not only beautiful and a charming addition to your interior, but also have genuine anti-stress and cleansing properties. This, in turn, promotes healthy, deep sleep.

In today’s article, we’d like to share with you an idea of ​​the 6 best plants for your bedroom. Choose the one that suits you best. Discover plants that help fight insomnia now!

1. The best plants for your bedroom: Jasmine

Jasmine is an exotic plant believed to soothe and calm the body and mind. Jasmine has been shown to help control anxiety, which in turn contributes significantly to the quality of sleep.

Jasmine helps fight insomnia

So let’s put jasmine on the bedside table by the bed or anywhere else in the bedroom. It will help you sleep better and relax in the bedroom.

2. Lavender for insomnia

Lavender is a very popular plant. Lavender owes its fame to its relaxing and aromatherapeutic properties. It is an ingredient of many treatments for treating insomnia, states of anxiety and anxiety.

The unique scent of lavender around it calms the heart rhythm and slows down the production of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.

Although some people prefer lavender in the form of perfumed products or oils, we recommend using it in a more natural form: as a beautiful decorative plant in your bedroom.

3. Aloe

Aloe is classified as one of the most effective air purifying plants (data from NASA). Apparently – unlike most plants, aloe vera releases oxygen at night. This, in turn, helps fight insomnia and also helps us to sleep deeply and continuously.


It should also be emphasized that aloe vera is one of the easiest plants to maintain and grow. It does not require special fertilizers or frequent watering.

It was not for nothing that the ancient Egyptians called aloe the “plant of immortality.” To this day, it is used in numerous medical and aesthetic treatments and therapies.

Therefore, we recommend placing aloe vera in the bedroom. Important detail: Aloe needs a lot of light, it’s best to put it by the window.

4. Gardenia – will help fight insomnia

The hallmark of gardenia is its evergreen, leathery leaves and highly fragrant flowers, showing a relaxing effect. It is one of those unproblematic plants that works great in our bedroom.

In addition, gardenia helps fight insomnia, supporting healthy, deep and restorative sleep.

There are studies that prove that Gardenia jasminoides has  properties similar to valerian and is effective in soothing anxiety, nerves and helps to fall asleep. 

However, it must be admitted that it is not one of the easiest to maintain. Its flowers and leaves require careful care.

5. Valerian

Valerian is a lovely plant with pink or white flowers that have a unique scent. It has been used since the 16th century as an active ingredient in perfume production. Over time, its roots were also used to prepare infusions to combat insomnia.


The discovery of its healing and calming properties is credited to the Roman philosopher Galeno. It was he who was one of the first to recommend the use of this plant for medicinal purposes.

Over time, it turned out that his recommendations were the most accurate, as the aromatic components of valerian are very effective in combating insomnia. If you are going to put valerian in your bedroom, remember that it needs a lot of sun. Must be in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.

6. Bamboo palm for insomnia

A small bamboo or reed palm tree is an ideal option for people looking for a way to harmonize and clean the air in their interiors. 

The properties of the bamboo palm provide you with the comfort of clean and fresh air during the day, but also ensure adequate relaxation at night. Moreover, given the tropical origin of the bamboo palm tree, it gives the bedroom charm and originality.

If you decide to have a bamboo palm in your bedroom, try to keep the soil in the pot slightly moist and give the plant some sunlight. Before choosing any of the plants we present, make sure that you are not allergic to them. The same goes for your children and pets.

Remember to clean their leaves from dust – it’s best to do it every week and water them properly, and you will enjoy their charm and properties for a long time.

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