Is Cancer Hereditary? What Should You Know?

Our appearance and various features are primarily related to genetics. We are like our family members. It happens that we also inherit various diseases.
Is cancer hereditary?  What should you know?

Many people, and even most of society, at some point ask themselves: is cancer hereditary? If my mother had breast cancer, will I too?

To begin with, let’s acknowledge that cancer contains a genetic component, but this does not necessarily mean that the cancer will be inherited.

Cancer is so popular these days that almost all of us have a family member who has or has had cancer. Perhaps you even have people in your family who were unable to overcome this disease.

Some experts say there are varieties of cancer that are more common in certain families. One of the factors that increase the risk of developing the disease is being overweight and smoking. Of course, some types of cancer may be more inherited in your family.

Cancer and genetic inheritance

Cancer Research Center at the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2010. published a report entitled “Advice on Genetics: A Guide to Preventing Hereditary Cancer.”

This report tries to determine whether a genetic analysis can show whether a person carries a gene that makes him more susceptible to cancer.

three generations of women

Cancer occurs as a result of a complex combination of several factors

Cancer is a genetic disease. It has its origin in certain genes, whether it is caused by external or internal factors. These genes mutate and change, and eventually cells begin to reproduce.

  • These genetic variations can be made worse by lifestyle . Cancer can be caused by the environment you live in.
  • It is usually a combination of everything. But the likelihood of cancer arising solely from genetic factors is very low.
  • Smoking, environmental pollution and poor nutrition increase the risk.

When can you determine whether you are genetically predisposed to cancer?

The onset of cancer is usually associated with several factors, so there are several aspects to consider.

  • Cancer of the same type that occurs in several family members.
  • Affecting several generations: grandparents, children and grandchildren.
  • The diagnosis among family members is made at a relatively young age (before the age of 60).
genetic predisposition and cancer

Cancer with a hereditary component

Although there are types of cancer that contain a genetic component, the risk usually does not exceed the 5-10% threshold. It is not high, however, you must be careful and inform your doctor so that he can better estimate it.

  • breast cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • monocystic colon cancer
  • melanoma (the most dangerous type of skin cancer)

Is there a test to show if you can get this type of cancer?

There are several tests to inform you about the risks. However, this type of genetic test will not tell you if you will develop this type of cancer, but only how high the risk is in your case.

The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. His task is to research hereditary forms of cancer and to advise. The physician should also determine individual and family risks. Thanks to this, you will learn how to observe your body and how to minimize the risk.

Remember that your risk of developing cancer from inheritance factors is very low. However, fear is very common among humans, which is why genetic counseling centers have been established.

hereditary cancer

If there is an inherited risk of developing cancer, how can it be prevented?

As we said before, the most important thing is to get professional medical advice. If several women in your family have suffered from breast cancer, regularly check your breasts and have a mammogram. 

Also remember that it is not usually genetic heredity that causes us to develop cancer. Cancer usually occurs due to other factors that increase its risk:

  • smoking tobacco,
  • overweight and obesity,
  • a diet rich in fats and sugar,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • polluted environment, for example working in a place with toxic substances.

There will always be specialists who will advise you on what strategy to choose and what lifestyle to lead.

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