Is Cream Cheese Healthy?

Is cream cheese healthy?

Cream cheese is not only delicious, but also extremely versatile. You can use it to prepare both sweet and savory dishes. But does it bring any benefits to your diet? Read today’s article to find out the answer to that question!

The Codex Alimentarius specifies that  cream cheese  is a soft, spreadable, unripened, rindless cheese.

It has a texture that allows it to spread with ease, is smooth or light chippings and has no holes, and spreads easily and blends easily with other foods. However, its high fat content makes it not one of the healthiest foods.

But is this type of cheese good for you?

It turns out that the fat in milk may have some low-profile benefits, which we’ll talk about later. Besides, cream cheese and similar types of cheese, such as fluff, flavored and others, are used to add a unique flavor to many sweet and salty dishes.

Many people eat this type of cheese because of its taste, versatility and texture. But do you know what’s in one serving? Do you know how to prepare it? Read today’s article to find out the answers to these and other questions.

How the cream cheese is made

As reported in the Journal of Dairy Science , raw materials such as heavy cream or a mixture of cream and milk are used in the preparation of this product. The cream is pasteurized and turned into very small droplets of fat. Lactic bacteria are then added. Then the producers ferment the cheese and make it sour.

They then add salt and specific additives such as gelatin, starches and other thickeners and emulsifiers that have been approved by Codex Alimentarius . Finally, the sag inducer is added.

Foods magazine stated that it is an enzyme of plant or animal origin that breaks down milk proteins so that they can clot.

When the mass becomes firm, manufacturers mix it cold or warm before packing it into containers. The Codex Alimentarius found it to contain 35 grams of milk fat per 100 grams of dry matter and 67% water. Other amounts of fat depend on the preparation method.

Does cream cheese have a lot of nutritional value?

According to FoodData Central of the United States Department of Agriculture and PAHO / WHO, 100 grams of cream cheese contain the following micro- and macronutrients:

  • Water:  54%
  • Fat:  32%
  • Saturated Fatty Acids: 21.43%
  • Proteins: 7.1%
  • Carbohydrate: 7.14%
  • Calories: 321 calories
  • Vitamin A: 300 micrograms of retinol
  • Riboflavin: 0.20 milligrams
  • Calcium: 71 milligrams
  • Phosphorus: 104 milligrams

This dairy product is rich in fat, 67% of which is saturated fat. It contains less protein, calcium and phosphorus than other cheeses. It is rich in vitamin A.

Light cream cheese contains 67% water, 7.8% protein, 8% carbohydrates and 15% fat. It contains less vitamin A than in traditional cream cheese and amounts to 160 micrograms.

In addition, it contains 9% saturated fatty acids and 148 milligrams of calcium. Cream cheese contains 40% less calories than standard cheese.

Cream cheese on a sandwich
Cream cheese is extremely versatile, which means you can add it to a variety of dishes.

Fatty acids

A good proportion of the fatty acids in fondant is very small, which supports their absorption in the gut. Professor Gaspar Ros notes that they can be used as an energy source.

One of them is butyric acid, which, according to information from the Hospital Nutrition journal , has a beneficial effect on colon cells and improves gut health.

Types of protein

The cream cake contains casein and whey proteins. The expert group agreed that they have high biological value, as they can contain many key amino acids, such as lysine, for example.

However, the protein content is insufficient to recommend the use of this type of cheese in high-protein diets.


Lactic acid bacteria added during cheese production degrade most of the carbohydrates in this product. The journal Agricultural Matters  noted that these microorganisms convert lactose into lactic acid, which keeps the gut healthy to prevent the growth of disease-causing bacteria.


The main vitamin present in cream cheese is vitamin A. It plays an important role in the development of eyesight, bone growth and supporting the immune system.

One serving of cream cheese provides 84 micrograms of retinol, which covers 10% of the recommended daily intake according to the guidelines of the ALAN magazine .


As with other cheeses, the highest amounts of minerals present in cream cheese are calcium and phosphorus. However, there are fewer of them than in other cheeses, because cream cheese contains less protein. A 28-gram serving barely covers 2% of the recommended daily intake of calcium.


Traditional cream cheese is high in calories. Spreading 28 grams on a piece of bread or cracker adds 90 calories.

Therefore, if you decide to include this product in your diet, you need to be careful and keep an eye on your caloric intake.

How to use cream cheese in the kitchen

The texture and taste of cream cheese are the greatest culinary values ​​of this delicious dairy product. You can use it in both sweet and salty dishes.

It is most often used for spreading on cookies, toasts and muffins, as an ingredient in stuffing, baked potatoes or in sandwiches. With its help, you can also make delicious creamy sauces and serve them with pasta, fish, chicken or vegetables. If you combine it with spices, it will get an amazing taste.

For baking, it is perfect for creams and top layers, for example for carrot cake. Ice cream also uses this type of cheese in the form of a base that can be combined with various fruits. Brownies and cheesecakes taste delicious when prepared using this product.

As Brighenti and other researchers have noted, the characteristics of cream cheese make it an ideal texture enhancer. Adding two spoons to puff pastry and foccaccia will make them softer and richer.

Using this product, you can dare to experiment in the kitchen. For example, a fruit or vegetable smoothie with cream cheese will be creamier. Let your imagination run wild!

The benefits of cream cheese

This product not only provides specific nutritional values. Its consumption is also associated with the advantages described below.

Might be a potential probiotic

The World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) claims that probiotics are microorganisms that can improve gut health and boost the immune system.

The Journal of Biological and Health Sciences noted that this cheese is fermented using certain Lactobacillus bacteria that may have probiotic effects and are considered safe. Some studies have shown that the use of Lactobacillus casei as a probiotic in this product ensures its optimal quality.

Contains small amounts of lactose

Many people cannot tolerate the presence of lactose in milk because their intestines lack the enzymes necessary to break it down. This leads to bloating, gas and diarrhea. As explained in the Nutrients journal , some people with summer intolerance can only tolerate 12 grams of lactose a day.

There is up to 2 grams of lactose in 28 grams of cream cheese . If people who do not tolerate it consume such cheese in moderate amounts, they should not notice any problems.

However, there is still no research on its effects on these types of patients.

It is rich in antioxidants

Astiasarán and Martínez noted in their book that milk fat contains carotenoids such as batecarotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. Young and Loug noted their antioxidant activity because they  block the action of free radicals and possible cell damage caused by them. Some carotenes have a direct effect on eye health.

Woman refusing milk
Cream cheese can be consumed by lactose intolerant people as they need to consume less than 12 grams of this substance per day.

Disadvantages of cream cheese

Does this food product have any disadvantages? Yes. They include the following issues:

This is a low-protein dairy

A normal serving of this cheese contains only 2 grams of protein. Therefore, unlike other cheeses, such as sheep’s cheese and cheddar, which contain 7 grams of protein per serving, it is not recommended for high-protein diets.

Consumption of saturated fatty acids

Cream cheese is rich in saturated fatty acids. A 28-gram serving covers 30% of the daily requirement for a caloric requirement of 2,000 calories.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you reduce your consumption of saturated fatty acids to less than 10% of your total caloric intake to prevent chronic disease.

Cream cheese is a high-calorie product

This food product is very caloric, which means it is not suitable for use in weight loss diets. If you follow one of them, you should avoid dishes in which cream cheese plays a major role. Experts recommend replacing it with light or low-fat cream cheese.

It has a very short expiry date

Although cream cheese is pasteurized, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms, Choi and other authors note that its high water content may increase the risk of contamination and shorten its shelf life.

Some evidence suggests that it has a two-week shelf life and must be refrigerated after opening.

Is cream cheese good for you?

The culinary qualities and use of this food product, which emphasizes the taste of various dishes, are undeniable. But is cream cheese nutritionally beneficial?

Consumed in moderate amounts, it is a good source of energy and vitamin A that does not contain too much lactose. You can replace traditional cream cheese, which is rich in saturated fat and calories, with other lighter versions. Thanks to this, it will become part of a healthy diet.

While the addition of probiotic bacteria could also make it a more interesting option in the market for promoting healthy dairy products, experts still need to do more research.

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