Juices On An Empty Stomach? Necessarily!

Pineapple and orange juice are a great way to lose weight and improve your well-being. They are also the best source of vitamins and minerals. 
Fasting juices?  Necessarily!

Start the day full of energy, vitality and in a good mood. Natural medicine offers us juices and cocktails, which – drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach – will help us strengthen the body.

Today we will present you 5 recipes for delicious  juices prepared from fruits and vegetables.

How are such juices prepared?

The easiest and fastest way is, of course, a juicer. If you don’t have it at home, don’t worry. You can prepare our juices with a blender. It is only possible that you will need to strain them before drinking them.

If the fruit and vegetables come from organic farming, there is no need to peel them. All we have to do is wash them thoroughly.

Pips are highly recommended. Especially with grapes, watermelon and lemon.

When should you drink natural juices?

Fruit juices

The best time to use all of them is 15 minutes before breakfast, on an empty stomach. This is when your body will absorb the greatest amount of nutrients. They will also help you activate your metabolism, which slows you down during sleep.

Of course, you can consume more portions for lunch or afternoon tea.

Remember that the results of the “juice treatment” are visible after at least two weeks. You can try several different recipes or drink the same juices – whatever you prefer.

Below are some of our suggestions:

Apple and carrots

Apples are a type of fruit that can be combined with any product. They are very underrated, which is a huge mistake. The truth is that they have wonderful properties.

Both apples and carrots are great for the health of our skin. The combination of both products guarantees a delicious, sweet taste.

Pears and grapes

Fruit for juices

Pears are very rich in silicon – an essential ingredient for hair, skin and nails. It also affects the skeletal system and joints. The sweet taste of the pear goes well with the grapes.

Red grapes are rich in bioflavonoids and resveratrol, which is known to inhibit cancer cells.

Pineapples and oranges

This is our tropical proposition. Thanks to this juice, you will strengthen the body’s defenses and lose unnecessary kilograms. It is a large dose of energy, especially useful in the morning.

Pineapple works to remove excess fluid from the body and improves digestion by stimulating gastric juices.

Oranges, on the other hand, are the perfect fruit to start the day. They activate the body and improve well-being. Do not forget about orange juice during the first symptoms of flu and colds.

Watermelon and mint


This is one of the most refreshing juices. It is also a great diuretic, which is why it is recommended for people who retain water in the body.

Watermelon is rich in water and fiber, which is conducive to weight loss diets. Just remember to eat it outside of meals, because then it is much easier to digest.

Mint will make your juices have an original aftertaste. This plant invigorates and improves the digestive processes. Two mint leaves are enough for a glass of juice.

Lemon, celery, and ginger

Juices can also have a cleansing effect. They are recommended for tired people with excessive amounts of toxins in the body. It’s a kind of detox. Lemon removes impurities and helps digest and dissolve fats.

It is rich in Vitamin C – one of the best antioxidants in preventing disease.

Celery eliminates excess fluid in the body and is a source of many vitamins. It also improves the condition of our kidneys.

On the other hand, ginger is an ideal solution for digestive problems. It speeds up the metabolism and naturally relieves many ailments. All you need is a slice of ginger for every glass of juice. You can also stock up on ginger powder

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