Large Intestine – What Is Worth Knowing About It?

Do not use aggressive diets that guarantee colon cleansing. To keep our gut healthy, it is advisable to eat a healthy diet that is low in fat as well as high in fiber.
Large intestine - What is worth knowing about it?

The large intestine is the last element of our digestive system. Its most important functions are: water absorption, storing food debris, maintaining an adequate level of body hydration and absorption of important vitamins, including vitamin K. As you can see, the functions of this organ are extremely important for the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, if we want to be healthy, we should regularly take care of the large intestine . Below are some important information about this organ that you should keep in mind on a daily basis.

Large intestine: problematic irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common condition, especially among women. It is characterized by frequent diarrhea, flatulence and gastrointestinal obstruction. These symptoms can last for months. Remember to consult your doctor at the very first sign.

Large intestine and diarrhea

When the large intestine is not working properly, the absorption of nutrients and fluids from food products is impaired, and diarrhea occurs. To improve the functioning of the intestinal wall, we recommend eating rice, bananas, and toasts or rusks.


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Incorrect functioning of the large intestine also contributes to the formation of constipation. They are generally the result of low gut activity over several days. However, this is not the only cause of constipation. If you want to prevent them, eat plenty of fiber-rich foods and drink plenty of water.

Watch out for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are another unpleasant ailment related to the work of the large intestine. This is nothing more than inflammation and swelling of the veins of the rectum and its adjacent areas. Although this is a slightly embarrassing problem, do not underestimate it – be sure to consult a doctor (don’t be ashamed!) And follow a diet rich in fiber.

Colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common diseases in many countries. Like any other type of cancer, it is characterized by cancerous cells. The large intestine is a place where waste and various types of bacteria accumulate – so it is not surprising that cancer cells can easily grow there. No matter what, remember that it is a disease that is relatively easy to detect – its symptoms are very characteristic. First, your doctor will ask you to test for blood in your stool. It is a simple and painless test that will help you get rid of the cause of unpleasant ailments.

Don’t be fooled

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In recent years, colon cleansing treatments have become extremely fashionable. However, be cautious about them. Usually, such treatments adversely affect the health of this organ and are aggressive to the whole organism. Try to cleanse the colon using natural methods by eating foods rich in fiber.

What does the colon look like?

The large intestine is approximately 1.5 m long and approximately 6.5 cm in diameter. It extends from the middle of the abdominal cavity all the way to the rectum. Its characteristic features and even functions may differ depending on the species of the organism, although in most vertebrates they are very similar.

Eat healthy

To enjoy your overall health and keep your colon in prime condition, you need to follow a proper diet – low in fat and high in fiber. Thanks to it, we will be sure that the colon performs its basic functions in the best possible way.

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