Learn How To Use Cinnamon To Care For Plants And Flowers In Your Garden

Due to its ability to protect against fungi and to nourish the soil, cinnamon is an excellent natural remedy that can be used in gardening.
The use of cinnamon in ... the garden

Cinnamon is an ingredient that has been used since ancient times both in gastronomy and in natural medicine. However, few people know that using cinnamon in your garden keeps your garden plants healthy without the need for harmful chemicals.

While there are now fertilizers and pesticides that keep the garden in top condition, many people have chosen to use cinnamon as a substitute. Not only is it cheaper than conventional options, it’s also 100% eco-friendly and safe.

The best part is that cinnamon has several different functions, which will prevent you from buying separate remedies to solve each problem.

Haven’t used it in your garden yet? In this article, we will tell you exactly how you can turn it into the best gardening agent. Please read carefully!

Maintaining healthy garden plants by using cinnamon

Cinnamon powder has an interesting use in plant maintenance. Although we are used to using it only in the kitchen, it is very versatile in other household chores.

Do you want your plants in your garden to be beautiful and healthy? Discover below how you can use cinnamon.

1. Use of cinnamon for pest control

Instead of buying expensive chemical pesticides for your garden, you can use some cinnamon and its use will surprise you. Due to its penetrating aroma and properties, this ingredient keeps flies and ants away from your plants.

Planting plants

Application method

  • Take the amount of cinnamon powder you deem necessary and spread it on the plants or wherever insects are concentrated.
  • Repeat its use every 2 or 3 weeks.

2. Elimination of fungi

To maintain healthy garden plants, it is imperative to have a product that prevents fungi from growing. Fortunately, thanks to its antifungal and disinfectant compounds, the use of cinnamon can protect plants from these microorganisms.

Application method

  • Sprinkle some cinnamon on those areas of the plant that show obvious signs of mold or fungus.
  • Repeat the application if they do not disappear after a few days.

3. Protection of edible vegetables

Nobody wants diseases to develop on self-grown vegetables, especially while they are still growing. The problem is that soil conditions and the spread of fungi can harm your plants at any time.

The use of cinnamon protects vegetables.

Application method

  • Spread some cinnamon powder on the ground, just around the base of the plant.
  • Use it once a week.

4. Growing seedlings

Currently, there are several commercial products that help in the successful production of seedlings. However, in order not to spend money on it, it is worth trying a simple trick: put cinnamon on the stem before planting it.

If you are having problems in your garden that keep you from achieving a good result, another option is to use cinnamon as an antifungal agent. For this you need to combine cinnamon with aspirin. Below we explain how to do this in a few simple steps.


  • 1 tablespoon of powdered cinnamon (10 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2 ground aspirin


  • Put all ingredients in a container and mix until well combined.
  • Leave the remedy for 12 hours and then strain it to separate any unnecessary lumps.

Application method

  • Soak the seedlings in the liquid for 2 hours.
  • Then plant the plants as usual.

5. Treatment of injured plants

After excessive pruning, plants can have cuts or wounds that are a potential breeding ground for fungi and harmful microorganisms. Fortunately, the use of cinnamon avoids this problem by creating a protective film over the cuts.

The use of cinnamon in the treatment of plants.

Application method

  • Sprinkle cinnamon on the affected part to speed up the healing process.

6. House plants

Of course, cinnamon can also be used as an alternative to keeping indoor plants healthy. Thanks to its properties and nutrients, it can prevent them from drying out or getting sick.

In addition, the use of cinnamon prevents the appearance of aphids or other pests.

Application method

  • Sprinkle the soil in the pot of the plant with a small amount of cinnamon powder.
  • After 2 or 3 weeks, repeat the application to maintain the effect.

As you can see, cinnamon has interesting properties for keeping your garden plants healthy. If you haven’t tried it yet, use it to replace chemicals that aren’t as environmentally friendly.

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