Leg Flexibility – 3 Exercises To Increase It

In order to develop greater leg flexibility, the ideal solution is to use the right exercises. Regular training will help you get better results and also your overall well-being.
Leg flexibility - 3 exercises to increase it

There are various stretching procedures to help you achieve a beautiful, toned, strong and flexible body. We are going to share with you some simple exercises that will allow you to increase the flexibility of your legs.

Physical training should not only help you look good, but also keep your whole body healthy. Moving the body helps to avoid fatigue and discomfort. Exercises to increase the flexibility of the legs effectively help get rid of puffiness and fluid retention in this area.

What does flexibility mean?

Flexibility is that the muscles of the body lengthen and adapt to different degrees of joint movement as tightly as possible. Each body has its own limits and its own specific predispositions and skills.

Exercises for leg flexibility.

Advantages of having a flexible body

Flexibility is a growing trait, not a gift you get while watching TV series. Nor is it a skill that improves with time spent despairing over your stiffness. It is achieved through action!

Stretching exercises will help you improve muscle strength, circulation, posture, balance and coordination. Not to mention, the risk of injury to ligaments and tissues is reduced.

For athletes, flexibility is key to increasing speed and endurance. It is also useful for increasing the efficiency of movement, to reduce displacement, to strengthen knowledge of your own body and, among other things, to increase physical relaxation.

Stretching exercises to improve leg flexibility

In this section of the article, we’ll provide some tips on how to improve leg flexibility with three highly effective and easy-to-perform stretches.

1. Bends: touch your feet without bending your knees

  • Take a deep breath. Stand up straight and bring your heels together. But if you prefer, you can set them apart a bit. Do it in a way that makes you feel more comfortable.
  • Then pull your stomach in and clench its muscles. Inhale through your nose and stretch your arms straight up. Reach as far as possible. Then gently bend your back in a bend to maintain posture.
  • Slowly straighten your back again, and as you exhale through your nose, lean forward again. Try to keep your arms on your feet, keeping your knees straight. If you are unable to do this, don’t worry, you will become so flexible in your legs over time that you can do it with ease.
  • Maintain your posture for at least 30 seconds while working on your breathing. Breathe in again and come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

2. Butterfly exercise

  • Sit on the floor, preferably a yoga mat or towel. Sit close to Turkish, knees bent and feet together as close to the pelvis as possible. Grasp the soles of the feet in front of you with your hands and hold them together with both hands.
  • Raise and lower your knees gently, as if flapping a butterfly’s wings. Leave your torso upright and let your hands move around your feet and hold them together.
  • For 5 seconds, lower and raise your knees while breathing. If you’re comfortable, you can tilt your head down in time with your knees lowering. Try to keep your forehead as close to your feet as possible. Do this again at least 4 more times.

3. Stretch your legs while sitting on the floor

  • As in the previous exercise, they are also performed while sitting on the floor. The first thing you should do is open your straightened legs sideways as much as possible and leave them stretched out.
Stretching on the floor.
  • Inhale as you straighten your torso and raise your arms up. Then breathe out as you move your torso towards one of your legs. Stretch as if you are trying to touch your foot. The important thing is not to bend your knee or tilt your head.
  • Take a deep breath and gently come back inside. Now repeat the entire process with the other leg. To start seeing results, you need to do this exercise at least 20 times on each leg.

As you can see, these exercises are very simple and inspired by various yoga positions. They will not only increase the flexibility of your legs, but also make you feel more relaxed and your vitality will increase.

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