Leg Varicose Veins – Natural Treatment

Varicose veins of the legs - natural treatment

 Leg varicose veins are one of the most common cardiovascular ailments. Not only women struggle with them, this problem also affects some men. What are they? In general, varicose veins are dilated veins that prevent blood from circulating properly and cause them to bulge.

Although the formation of varicose veins can be  seen in the poor functioning of the circulatory system, there are several reasons that increase their formation. In the article below, we have prepared  10 ways for you to get rid of varicose veins.

Varicose veins arise as a result of ..

The most common causes are obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of any activity, standing for a long time, using contraception, genetics, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol or problems with thrombosis.

It is important to pay attention to the first signs of varicose veins, because if not treated, they can lead to serious complications. For example, they can adversely affect certain parts of the body, especially the lower areas, and can even result in amputation.

Of course, there are many methods to prevent the appearance of varicose veins. However, if you already have them, don’t panic. Here are some extremely effective ways to treat them. Contrary to what most people think, simple methods, when used properly, can work wonders!

1. Garlic

This is one of the most effective ways to fight varicose veins. Thanks to its remarkable properties, it helps to reduce phlebitis and improves blood circulation.

Experts recommend consuming garlic in your daily diet or using it as a cream made with ground garlic cloves and a little alcohol. The cream should be applied four times a week to the affected areas.

2. Aloe

The properties of aloe vera are countless, they effectively help to heal both varicose veins and other diseases of various kinds. In our particular case, it is recommended to be used as a compress on the affected areas.

It is best to apply it at night, before going to bed, and leave it on until the morning. Remember to use hot aloe vera as this is when the plant works best.

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3. Apple cider vinegar

This product is also an irreplaceable tool in the fight against varicose veins. Easy to apply. All you need to do is soak the apple cider vinegar on a clean cloth or towel and then place it on your varicose veins.

The fabric should be left for a few minutes. You can also use it to massage the place, e.g. by moving it gently from the bottom up. One important thing to remember is not to knead or put any pressure on the affected area.

4. Vinegar, carrots and aloe cream

If you don’t have a food processor, you can also use a food processor. Blend all ingredients until they form a fairly thick paste. Apply the cream to the area of ​​varicose veins and leave it for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, rinse with cold water.

5. Water baths

This is a very simple method that can be used on a daily basis. It works almost like a foot therapy, because then they are refreshed, relaxed and fresh. If, on the other hand, they seem swollen, such a bath may make the swelling disappear.

The whole procedure is as follows: we dip our legs in a bathtub filled with water, sea salt and one glass of apple cider vinegar. We soak our feet for 20 minutes, gently massaging them from time to time.

6. Green clay ointment

This measure should be prepared by mixing green clay paste with water. However, do not use too much water, otherwise the consistency of the ointment will be too thin. When the ointment is ready, apply it to the affected areas. Best used overnight, letting it dry. In the morning, wash off with warm water with a little natural soap.

7. Leaves are the solution

This measure requires a little more preparation. It is worth the effort as it is highly effective. Prepare two liters of boiling water and add a handful of mint, a handful of chamomile leaves and another handful of bay leaves.

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Let the leaves infuse for 5 minutes, then use as follows: mix the solution with a little sodium carbonate, pour it into a tub filled with water. Immerse your feet and soak for a few minutes.

It is important to mention that this measure may cause so-called “Hives”, so be especially careful when using it.

8. Chili pepper

9. Chestnut bark tea

The recipe is very simple. Boil 50 g of Indian chestnut bark in one liter of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. After the allotted time, strain the leaves and drink the tea immediately. Due to its properties, Indian chestnut has an invaluable effect on improving circulation, and thus reduces swelling and varicose veins.

10. Essential oils

They have a great effect on reducing the inflammation of varicose veins  and maintaining proper circulation. It is best to use them as an addition to the massage of sick places. For example, you might start by gently massaging your feet and ankles and then slowly work your way up to your thighs.

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When massaging, do not use too much force, because varicose veins do not like pressure. Always start from bottom to top using circular motions. Do massages before bedtime, as essential oils work best while you sleep.

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