Lemon – Learn About Its 10 Uses

Lemon - Find out about its 10 uses

Lemon is a fruit that has a thousand uses. It is suitable for practically everything: it is beneficial for health and beauty, it works as a cleaning agent, it is an ingredient of many dishes. In a word – lemon is our ally in every activity. Discover its most popular applications and also the less known ones that you probably haven’t heard about yet.

Lemon and its ten uses

To fully enjoy the power of this wonderful fruit, we suggest that you grow a lemon tree in your own home. If you don’t have enough space, just buy a few kilos of lemon in the grocery store. You will see that it is suitable for basically everything. Here are the 10 uses of lemon:

  • Preventing skin aging: By using water and lemon juice, we can prevent the development and appearance of so-called free radicals – one of the causes of premature skin aging. Lemon contains numerous antioxidants. Drink lemon juice twice a day: in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and at bedtime. Its additional benefit is that it supports fat burning and is low in calories.

  • Sore Throat Relief: It is a surefire remedy for all sore throats – it strengthens membranes and kills bacteria. To combat symptoms, drink lemon tea with honey. Another way is to bake half a lemon, cool it, squeeze the juice and sweeten it with honey. You will feel much better after the first sip.
  • Nail cleansing: If you are a smoker and your nails have turned brown, or if your nails have become stained with nail polish, then instead of spending money on manicure, use lemon – it is a good cleanser. It is enough to add the juice of half a lemon to a vessel of water and immerse your hands for 5 minutes. You can also use the fruit to rub your nails directly. However, if you want to improve the appearance of your hands – mix the juice of three lemons with a little glycerin and rub them with the prepared mixture. After a few days of use, you will notice a big difference.

Lemon properties that improve health and beauty

  • Lightening spots on the skin: In addition to cleaning the nail plate, lemon also works to lighten the skin, competing with expensive creams and beauty treatments. Apply some lemon juice to the affected area of ​​skin. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse with water. If you want to peel, add a spoonful of honey and a little sugar to the juice. Remember not to expose yourself to the sun that day – otherwise we will get the opposite effect and the spots will become more intense.
Lemons on the tree

  • Blond Reflections: If you want blonde highlights without dye, blend 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup lemon juice without hesitation. Wash your hair as usual and rinse with the prepared mixture. Then sit in the sun until your hair is dry. Repeat the treatment every day for a week.
  • Oral care: Lemon stops bleeding gums and relieves toothache. Its juice is perfect for rinsing the mouth because its acid changes the pH in the mouth and eliminates bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mix the juice of half a lemon with water and rinse your mouth with it.
  • Cleansing the blood: Lemon is excellent for cleansing the circulatory system of sugars, artificial preservatives and flavors contained in foods. Drink lemon water every day to cleanse your blood and the rest of your body. Besides, it is a very refreshing drink.
  • Controlling blood pressure: This is possible due to the potassium content in the lemon. Drink two glasses of lemon juice every day and it will relieve dizziness and nausea. In addition, you will relax your body, reduce stress and depression.
Fresh lemon

  • Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis: The diuretic properties of lemon help remove toxins and bacteria from the body. This fruit will bring you immediate relief.

The use of lemon in the household

  • Refreshing the refrigerator: Lemon perfectly removes any odors. All you need to do is rub it on a sponge or cotton pad and leave it for a few hours in the refrigerator.
  • Prevents the cauliflower from turning brown: Sprinkle raw cauliflower with a spoonful of lemon juice before cooking.
  • Sanitizing the cutting board: When you cut meat, the cutting board becomes dirty and can get an odor. Rub it with half a lemon or dip it in water with lemon juice. You will see that the board will be perfectly clean again.
Squeezing lemon juice

  • Insect repellent: Especially in the kitchen. Sprinkle lemon juice on the door frames and window frames, and you will surely not see any ants in the house. The preparation should contain the juice of 4 lemons and 2 liters of water. Also use it for cleaning floors.
  • Neutralizing the unpleasant smell of garbage: The trash can usually emit an unpleasant odor, especially in summer. Its intensity depends largely on the type of garbage we throw into it. To reduce the odor, one lemon should be placed at the bottom of the bag and the other at the top.
  • Keeping guacamole green: If you don’t want your guacamole to turn brown after a few hours, sprinkle it generously with lemon juice.
  • Refreshing lettuce: Usually, when a lettuce stored in the refrigerator for a few days begins to wilt and its leaves become soaked with moisture, throw it away. However, we do not have to waste it – just soak it for a few minutes in cold water with lemon juice and it will become a salad again.

Photos: Rachel Titiriga, Sarah Stierch, Dodo Bird, Essie, Emilian Robert Vicol

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