Life Guides You – Just Open Your Eyes

The fact that we always repeat the same behaviors and patterns in relationships is strong evidence of how life guides us until we discover the most important truths.
Life is driving you - just open your eyes

You definitely feel completely lost more than once. Perhaps you forget and stop feeling that life is driving you. Open your eyes to really see what’s around you. We often kind of look but don’t see. We are blind to what surrounds us. For example, when we are in love with someone, we only see the good side of that person, especially at the beginning of the relationship.

Where are the disadvantages then? They certainly exist, no one is perfect, so the person we chose certainly has negative qualities. But we don’t notice them at all, or we consciously ignore them.

In many circumstances, we have ready solutions right in front of us, but we still cannot see them because we have closed eyes. How often do you forget that life is your driving force ?

Today we’ll talk about circumstances where we don’t all too often see the full picture.

Instead of taking responsibility, we blame others

This is one of the most harmful attitudes. However, we often internalize it so much that it is difficult for us to see the circumstances from a different perspective.

We are often convinced that other people are to blame for what happens to us. We also blame those around us for how we feel! Isn’t that ironic?

Imagine that one person is arguing with another person about a difference of opinion. This person blames his interlocutor for the argument itself and for his bad mood, which negatively affects his day. Perhaps she even speaks her thoughts aloud, blaming the other person for her bad mood. This obviously does not change anything for the better and the person feels bad for the rest of the day.

The problem is not what the argument was about. It is not on the other person’s side either. We all often feel that we have the right to express our opinion, and moreover, we also have the right to be angry when someone disagrees with it. However, it is wrong to blame someone else.

It seems to us that we would have acted differently if the same had happened to us. Such disagreement should be resolved calmly, without being angry or raising your voice.

We all have good days and bad days – don’t forget it. Depending on the circumstances and, above all, your attitude, a given situation may go one way or another. Does it have anything to do with other people? Of course. But it is our approach and the choices we make that matter most.

Life drives you – repeating constant patterns

Somehow life guides you – you repeat the same behaviors over and over again, you fall into the same situations, or the people around you change. That’s why it’s high time to open your eyes!

Isn’t it strange that someone has had four unfaithful partners in a row?  Isn’t it interesting that in a family, the same situation repeats itself in each subsequent generation? These aren’t just coincidences!

When the same pattern is repeated again and again, we have to open our eyes and have a good look around. Analyze what is happening around you. Thanks to this, bad patterns will not be repeated again.

The moment you discover that life is driving you will not necessarily be painless.

Blaming others won’t do us any good. You know for sure that the responsibility is on your side. There is definitely something – your approach, for example – that causes the same situations to happen to you over and over again.

Maybe you are afraid of loneliness and are ready to bond with any person with whom your paths cross? Perhaps selfishness is a trait that is learned in your family by future generations?

Stop and analyze the circumstances. This will allow you to understand why and how life drives you and why you have fallen into a closed circle from which you cannot find a way out.

Opening your eyes is not always painless

In many cases, the time when the eyes are opened comes quite late. You look at your past and begin to realize that life is driving you. You find yourself ignoring signs of this influence too often.

Such a new discovery can even hurt us. We may think that we have only lost a lot of valuable time. But this is where the wisdom of a simple proverb comes in handy: better late than never.

Over time, you will learn how to get out of harmful patterns.

It’s also important to realize that opening your eyes to the truth at a critical moment can just be painful.

Be prepared for the fact that you may suddenly understand that the person you are with is not giving you anything good and that a long-term relationship is actually based on blindness. In time you will understand that this discovery is liberating, but at first you will most likely just be hurt.

Many people consciously choose to live their lives blindly. There are people who prefer to feel sorry for themselves and regret the situations in which they find themselves. They will also always find someone or something to blame for whatever is bad.

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