Lumbago – 3 Basic Tips

Treatment with lumbago lasts from 3 to 6 weeks. During this time, physical activity should be limited. However, it must not be completely abandoned.
Lumbago - 3 basic tips

Lumbago is a condition that most often affects people in the active age, from 30 to 60 years of age. It is associated with a strain on the spine and muscles around the loins, which causes pain and difficulty in movement.

We must remember that each body is unique and although lumbago disappears after 3 – 6 weeks, visits to a specialist should not be abandoned. Only he can determine whether these are – for example – discogenic pains. It is always worth knowing the opinion of a professional.

There are some tips that you can use at home. These are natural methods that can speed up the healing process. Today we will tell you about them.

Lumbago – relaxation

  • Lumbago, as we mentioned before, lasts from 3 to 6 weeks. So we will be on sick leave for a month. Does that mean we shouldn’t move for 30 days? In no case.
  • Lack of traffic is indicated for the first 3 days. This is when the pain is strongest and prevents us from doing anything.
  • After this time, if we do not get out of bed, our muscles will begin to weaken. And weak muscles worsen the condition of the spine.
  • Remember to start with extremely gentle exercises (as painful as possible) and slowly increase your activity. If you don’t, lumbago will take longer than it should.

What type of exercise is the most appropriate?

The best solution is to visit a physiotherapist who will show us the most appropriate therapy. In addition, at home, we can perform exercises that will strengthen our muscles in the lumbar region.

  • Walk slowly on the treadmill.
  • Daily swimming.

Natural anti-inflammatories for lumbago

Orally – ginger

There is nothing more effective than two cups of ginger tea. It is one of the best known natural anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, thanks to it, you can limit the consumption of painkillers.


One teaspoon of ginger root (5 g) per cup of water (250 ml) is enough. Drink warm after meals.

Topically – essential oils (rosemary and field horsetail)

The most recommended plants are both rosemary and horsetail. First we need to boil a liter of water. Then add one and a half tablespoons of horsetail (15 g) and the same amount of rosemary. We wait for it to brew (20 – 30 minutes) and cool down a little.

Soak clean gauze in the prepared preparation. Then we put it on the back and wait about 30 minutes. It is best to apply compresses twice a day.

Cognitive therapy on lumbago

It may not appear to be anything special. Contrary. Many lumbago sufferers are afraid to move. In addition, this constant fear of pain causes even more tension and muscle overload.

Back pain

It’s such a closed circle: pain causes fear, and fear inhibits movement. Lack of exercise promotes inflammation in the lumbar region.

  • We should acknowledge that lumbago treatment takes time. It will be at least a month before we feel better.
  • During this time, emotional harmony should be sought: the greater the tension, the greater the pain.

Try to stay calm, relax, and don’t make any sudden movements. Take fear away from your mind and think that it will get better every day.

  • Go for a walk. It will relax you and help you stop thinking about your disease. This is much better than sitting at home and swallowing painkillers.

It is possible that in your city there is a kind of school where they teach the right posture, the correct way of moving and lifting weights. They will explain to you how to avoid problems related to muscle pain and postural defects. A healthy spine means greater comfort of life. Remember that!

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