Mattress – 4 Tips On How To Take Care Of It

Remember that the mattress is for sleeping. If you use it for any other purpose, you risk deforming it. Turn it over once a week.
Mattress - 4 tips on how to take care of it

How do you care for your mattress ? Sometimes we forget how important this basic element of modern life is. This is where we spend seven to nine hours a day.

The hardness, cleanliness and good condition of the mattress guarantee a good rest. Moreover, it protects the spine. The mattress also contributes to the appearance of allergic reactions.

In this article, we want to tell you how to care for a mattress. Sometimes small changes are enough to see great results. And these, in turn, can change our lives.

1. Good ventilation means a clean mattress

Maybe you’ve heard someone say that “making your bed in the morning is bad for your health.” Let’s take a closer look at this statement to see if there is a grain of truth in it.

The mattress and its refreshing
  • Dust mites like a warm and humid environment. If we make the bed right after getting up, it stays warm and damp. This is a great opportunity for mites to reproduce.
  • It’s a good idea to wait an hour or two before making the bed.
  • It is best to remove the sheets from the bed. If possible, open the window to air the mattress.
  • You have to let fresh air into the house. Thanks to this, you will take better care of your bedding, because you will get rid of dust mites on a regular basis.

Remember that even if the mites die, they leave behind their outer skeletons. These microscopic particles remain in the mattress and can cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, we want to propose a different method of mattress maintenance.

2. Cleaning the mattress with baking soda

You already know that it’s good to ventilate your mattresses every day. This means that you should remove the sheets from the bed some time before making the bed.

Vacuuming the mattress

Another important step in keeping your mattress in good condition is cleaning it. This should be done at least once a month. Here’s an easy way to do it.


  • Vacuum cleaner
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) of baking soda
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil


Cleaning is simple and gives great results. First, remove all bedding. Then rest the mattress against the wall close to the window.

  • Mix the baking soda with the tea tree oil. Spray the mixture all over the mattress.
  • If you need more baking soda and essential oil, make another batch using the same proportions. This way you can perfectly disinfect the mattress.

Leave the mattress to air for two hours. Remember to disinfect both sides of the mattress. Both components of the mixture are healthy and give a pleasant smell.

When the mattress airs out, vacuum it thoroughly.

3. Turn the mattress over regularly

You certainly know this already, but it is worth remembering. The overturning of mattresses prevents their deformation.

  • Turn the mattresses inside out once a week.
  • Remember that you should also rotate them horizontally. Swap the side where you normally keep your head with the side where your legs are.
It is also important to remember that the mattress is not a seat. Sometimes we sit on the bed for hours with a book or a computer.

These types of positions can cause the mattress to deform.

4. Invest in a good bed sheet for the mattress

All mattresses are covered with a strong material. However, it is worth buying a sheet that will protect the mattress. This will guarantee a cleaner surface and a better night’s sleep.

A decent sheet
  • The sheet protects the mattress from contact with our body and its sweat.
  • The sheet can be washed in the same way as the clothes.
  • A good sheet is one made of breathable, absorbent and easy-to-wash material. The best sheets are made of cotton.

You already know the most important tips for maintaining your mattress. You have to put in some effort if you want your mattresses to be in good shape. Thanks to this, you will guarantee yourself a better sleep, and thus – more energy.

Your back will thank you for it. And if you are allergic, cleaning the mattress will definitely help you. To work!

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