Means To Strengthen The Immune System

To boost our immune system, we need to take care of several aspects, not only good nutrition, but also probiotic supplements, regular exercise, and controlling the stress levels we live in.
Means to strengthen the immune system

The immune system is a defense system that protects the body against disease. It is made up of a system of cells, tissues, and organs that function as a team. The most important task is to protect yourself against external factors and infections.

So when defense falls, we cannot face these threats. Therefore, in some situations, we may need measures to strengthen the immune system.

Problems with the immune system

If our immune system is not working properly, it can cause serious problems. Immune system disorders can be divided into four categories:

  • Acquired immunodeficiency: The number of cells in the immune system decreases as a result of external factors such as HIV.
  • Autoimmune disorders: The immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells as foreign substances.
  • Allergies: processes that occur when the immune system responds disproportionately to a certain stimulus.
      The immune system
      The immune system helps to defend our body against external factors.

      The immune system helps to defend our body against external factors.

  • Cancer of the immune system.

It is important to have a strong immune system and the body should remain in balance so that we can deal with all types of pathogens and circumstances.

Means to strengthen the immune system

Here are some natural remedies within our reach to help boost your immune system.

Garlic – great for boosting the immune system

Garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allicin and ajoene. According to various studies, these compounds kill bacteria and stimulate the body’s immune system.

In addition to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, it also helps us maintain the health of our cardiovascular system. However, to enjoy all its benefits, we must consume raw garlic. However, it is best to do this after waiting a few minutes after chopping.

Echinacea, or echinacea

Echinacea purple or angustifolia is a plant with antibiotic properties. In turn, it is perfect for stimulating the immune system. It is considered an immunostimulating and adaptogenic plant. Which means that it helps us to maintain good energy levels while reducing stress and fatigue.

Echinacea flower to boost the immune system
Echinacea is a powerful immunostimulant that keeps your defensive abilities awake.

For Echinacea to be really effective, it is recommended to take it for three months with a 15-day break. Then you can continue for another month. At this stage, we will take 2.5 g / day as a maintenance dose.

Echinacea is not indicated for children under three years of age or for people undergoing immunosuppressive treatment.

Cat’s claw

The most successful variety is called Uncaria tomentosa in Latin . A cat’s claw has many beneficial properties. Among them, there is a positive effect on the immune system, increasing the body’s defenses.

Since this plant has a characteristic bitter taste, some people may not tolerate it very well. In addition, its use is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women as it can alter the taste and production of milk.

Probiotics are also excellent remedies for strengthening the immune system

Probiotics are supplements that contain live microorganisms, mainly bacteria, which are not however toxic or pathogenic, but are part of our body’s normal microflora. To modify and improve the immune response, it is very important that probiotics adhere to the intestinal epithelium.

If their adhesion is good, they manage to prevent adhesion of pathological organisms and thus protect us from disease.

However, the effects of probiotics are not permanent, so you need to take them regularly to replenish them. We know many popular products rich in probiotics. The most popular of them are:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Dark chocolate
  • Algae like spirulina, chlorella.
  • Miso
  • Kombucha

Exercise perfectly strengthens the immune system

We all know that we should exercise regularly. Sport gives us vitality, oxygenates our body, puts us in a good mood and helps burn fat. On the other hand, it also keeps our immune system alert to avoid infection.

Exercise is a means of strengthening the immune system
Exercise strengthens our immune system among its many benefits.

Overall, a good diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and regular exercise is the best way to keep your body healthy.

Plants with a sedative effect as a means to strengthen the immune system

Remember that stress generates emergency situations. When we are on the alert, we direct all our energy to the muscles and brain, mobilizing the body to act. This causes us to take fuel from our immune system, which makes us more vulnerable and deprives us of adequate protection.

To boost our immune system, we need to control our stress and anxiety levels. We can achieve this by using natural remedies, such as infusions of sedatives, such as valerian, linden, passion fruit and hawthorn.

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