Melon – 5 Reasons To Eat More

Due to the high water content, the melon has strong diuretic properties that help remove toxins from the body. Moreover, this fruit is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals.
Melon - 5 reasons to eat more

Melon comes in many different varieties: Bosman, Emir, Junior, Malaga, Melba, Oliwin, Seledyn … Undoubtedly, they are all delicious, refreshing and rich in nutrients valuable for our body.

We like to eat melons in summer, on hot days. A juicy slice of melon perfectly moisturizes the body. This fruit is also an indispensable ingredient in various salads and cocktails.

Many of us are still cautious about this fruit, asking ourselves questions like: “Is the melon very caloric?”, “This fruit is very sweet, so it must contain a lot of sugar …”, “Apparently, the melon is detrimental to digestion.”
Do not worry, today we will dispel all your doubts and we will convince you that the melon is a great ally of your health and you can eat it regularly without any worries.

1. Melon is low in calories

At the very beginning, we would like to say that you can include sweet melon slices in your daily diet without fear, even if you are in shape or want to lose weight.

As long as your diet is balanced and low in saturated fat, you have nothing to worry about – you will not gain weight because of the melon.

It is worth realizing that every 100 grams of melon is only 34 calories. This fruit is virtually fat-free and at the same time a real nutrient bomb, so much so that many weight loss diets rely on melon as the main ingredient.

However, these are very restrictive diets, negatively assessed by experts in healthy eating. After all, you cannot eat only one fruit for several days in a row.

2. Melon – an ally of a healthy heart


Melon salad

For effective heart health, 150 grams of melon per day is enough. It tastes best as an addition to breakfast. It belongs to the group of fruits that ferment quickly in the stomach, therefore it is not recommended to eat it in the evening hours.

However, it all depends on the individual conditions of the organism. There is even a large group of people who prefer to eat melon for dinner because it makes it easier to fall asleep. So there is no one specific rule, you have to check for yourself which season is the best for you.

3. Strengthens the body’s immunity

Melon contains large amounts of flavonoids, minerals and vitamins that help fight a wide variety of diseases and ailments.

One of the most interesting ingredients of melon is citrulline – a substance on the basis of which our body produces arginine. This, in turn, is one of the most important amino acids for our body, which additionally supports the body’s immunity.

4. It improves the condition of the skin

Melon takes care of the health of our skin almost in a magical way

Melon cocktail

It moisturizes it both inside and outside. Let us remind you once again that 80% of this delicious fruit is water. What’s more, the remaining 20% ​​is made up of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, calcium, a magnet … All these ingredients help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

Interesting information is also the fact that the melon soothes painful periods and has a calming effect on the female body.

We owe all these properties to a valuable mixture of minerals, mainly potassium and magnesium – elements necessary for the proper transmission of nerve impulses and proper muscle work.

Use the melon season and eat them as much as you want!

5. Natural cleansing of the body

Melon is a powerful diuretic and has a mild laxative effect. Consumed regularly, especially in the morning hours, it naturally helps to remove toxins from the body and provides energy for the next day.

A cleansing melon-based cocktail

Fresh melon juice


  • 150 g of melon, type to choose according to your taste
  • 10 dark grapes
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 3 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes

Kitchen tools needed

  • Knife
  • Mortar for grinding mint leaves
  • Blender
  • A glass for serving

How to prepare a cleansing cocktail?

  • The cocktail is very easy to prepare and this activity does not take much time. Stock up on your favorite type of melon, preferably the one for which it is currently in season. It should be neither green nor too mature. Cut it into small pieces.
  • Crush the mint leaves in a mortar. Thanks to this technique, the essential oils they contain will thoroughly integrate with the other ingredients of the cocktail.
  • Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon.
  • Wash the grapes thoroughly.
  • Put all ingredients in a blender: melon pieces, mint, grapes and lemon juice. Keep mixing until all the elements combine and you get a smooth cocktail. Finally, add water and a tablespoon of honey for sweetening. Blend for a few more seconds.

We hope you enjoy this smoothie with a lot of taste and improve your overall health. See for yourself how delicious it is!

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