Melons – By Eating Them You Will Lose Weight And Sleep Better

The composition of melons is mainly water, which enables the body to eliminate toxins in the urine.
Melons - by eating them you will lose weight and sleep better

If you want to lose weight and would like to sleep better, melons are the solution . These are not only tasty and refreshing fruits, but it is also worth including them in your diet because of their health properties.

Read this article and find out how melons can help you lose weight and improve the quality of your sleep.

Melons – what do you know about them?

Melons are pumpkin plants, as are watermelons, zucchini and squash. They thrive best in well-hydrated and sunny areas, which is why it is considered a typical summer fruit.

Melon soup

On average, these fruits weigh around a kilogram and are round. Both the skin and the flesh come in various shades of yellow. The color of the melon is not very intense, however it is a very juicy fruit. Inside there are seeds arranged in regular rows.

Properties of melons

  • They are low in calories – 100 grams only contain 34 calories. They do not contain too much fat, but are rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
  • They boast one of the highest levels of vitamin A of any fruit. Thanks to this, they have antioxidant properties, which perfectly affects the skin and mucous membranes.
  • These fruits contain flavonoids that protect cells against the effects of free radicals and reduce the risk of developing pancreatic, breast and colon cancer.
  • By eating melons, you also improve your eyesight and prevent macular degeneration that occurs with age.
  • They contain potassium, which  helps to control heart rate and blood pressure, and also prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • Vitamin C and magnesium contained in melons strengthen the body’s resistance to infections, viruses and bacteria.

How does melon help you lose weight?

Eating melons is a great way to lose weight thanks to their cleansing, detoxifying and diuretic properties.

As these fruits consist of 90% of water, they significantly reduce appetite. In addition, they will help you cleanse the body of preservatives and other harmful substances, as well as get rid of excess fluid.

Melon-based diets

Restrictive diet

This type of diet should only be used for one day, during which you should eat only fresh melons, in any quantity. Additionally, you can drink water.

Low-calorie diet

You can follow this diet for up to 5 consecutive days. During this time, you should eat melons along with other fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones and without salt, sugar or other spices.

As part of this diet, you can try out a delicious slimming smoothie that you can prepare at any time of the day. This is a great snack that will help you eat less.

Melon dessert with nuts and mint

Here are the ingredients you need:

  • 2 cups diced melon
  • 1 sliced ​​green apple
  • Peeled and sliced ​​kiwi (1 piece)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 cup of ice and 0.5 cups of water
  • a bit of honey or stevia for flavor

Blend all ingredients together until you get a creamy consistency. A smoothie prepared in this way contains less than 150 calories, but it will perfectly satisfy your hunger.

How do melons affect sleep quality?

The above-mentioned smoothie can also help you improve the quality of your sleep, as its nutritional value makes it ideal for people suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders.

Melons quench your thirst, avoiding waking up at night for a glass of water. In addition, they reduce appetite, which in turn prevents night trips to the refrigerator.

Alarm clock and a sleeping woman

There is no indication that melons eaten before bed can cause indigestion. They are made up mostly of water, so there aren’t many ingredients in them that could be bad for your digestion.

However, it is a mistake to eat a cold melon, straight from the fridge, on very warm days, as it causes a kind of thermal shock. It is also worth paying attention to whether the fruit is carefully peeled, as eating the peel could cause some stomach problems.

If the melons are consumed in the right amount, they should not affect the quality of sleep. People with a sensitive stomach should only avoid eating these fruits immediately after lunch or shortly before going to bed.

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