Method Of Preparing For Childbirth Bonapace

Bonapace preparation method for childbirth

Pain is one of the biggest problems in childbirth, but with education and knowledge, it can be reduced and treated without stress. Today we will tell you about the Bonapace method .

Childbirth is a painful experience. The muscle spasms and pressure on the cervix and vagina go beyond the limits of the woman’s body and cause severe pain. The Bonapace Method is a new technique that tries to reduce this pain with natural remedies.

The Bonapace Method was developed in Quebec, Canada by Julie Bonapace, an expert in pain therapy. This method consists of an educational process to learn how to deal with pain reduction techniques in labor without the need for pharmacological aids or medical interventions.

According to a study by Dr. Bonapace of the University of Quebec, this method reduces the intensity of pain and discomfort during labor by 45%.

The three mechanisms of the Bonapace method

A woman during childbirth using the Bonapace method

The Bonapace method consists of 3 main parts:

  1. Central nervous system control that includes breathing, relaxation and distraction to modulate pain.
  2. The control gate theory of light massages in the pain area to block nerve signals in the spine.
  3. Control to contain the pain, to induce mild pain in other areas of the body to distract from the pain of labor. As the brain searches for the source of new pain, it releases endorphins throughout the body except in the area of ​​new pain. Endorphins relieve labor pain.

A woman’s pain is assessed every 15 minutes during labor to know which technique to use.

Partner education

The Bonapace method requires training and the participation of the father as it helps the mother control her breathing and is responsible for massaging and causing pain by putting pressure on the back, hands, muscles and feet.

To learn the Bonapace technique, mother and father start learning and training from the 6th month of pregnancy. The courses consist of 8 hours of Bonapace teaching and 8 hours of information on traditional delivery methods, pregnancy and the delivery process.

10 tips to overcome pain with the Bonapace method


pregnant woman

The more you know about pregnancy and childbirth, the easier it is to deal with pain. Dr. Bonapace recommends learning a variety of techniques as your needs may change during childbirth.

Support from a partner or loved one

Research shows that women who have a trusted person by their side feel less pain and need less drugs or medical interventions than those who give birth on their own.

The preparation of this person is essential as they will support the mother during the birthing process. In addition, having someone who knows what to do all the time helps build self-confidence and reduces stress.

Activity during childbirth

Pain helps adjust the body and makes it easier for the baby to pass through the pelvis. Eliminating pain with painkillers or anesthesia causes a loss of sensation and loss of physical communication between the baby and mother.

Using mantras

a woman practicing mindfulness

Mantras help you relax and concentrate. Especially the ‘ommmm’ sound helps with breathing and the opening of the diaphragm, which creates pelvic space for the baby.

Massages: essential in the Bonapace method

When an excitatory sensation arises in the pain area, the pain signals transmitted to the brain are blocked. Back, thigh and leg massages help to relax the whole body.

Use of water

Water at the right temperature helps to relax your muscles. The effect of water on the body blocks pain signals that are sent to the brain. Water baths are recommended at all stages of pregnancy and even during childbirth.

Use of ice

ice in the hands

When the contractions start, you can put your hands or feet in a bowl of ice and water. The “little pain” produced by the ice will help release endorphins, which will act as a pain reliever. The pain from the contractions will ease immediately.

Acupuncture according to the Bonapace method

The calming effect of acupuncture has been proven in several studies. In the Bonapace method, it is used when the pain is more frequent and intense to create a second pain point.


Thoughts create emotions that affect the body. Having an internal conversation to convey peace and make sure everything is ok will help create a feeling of relief and reduce stress.

Emotional freedom

This technique combines traditional Chinese medicine and psychology. It involves the use of acupuncture at specific points while expressing emotions and explaining pain at the time of childbirth. In this way, the cortisol that causes stress is reduced.

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