Modzele – Remove Them With 4 Home Methods – Step To Health

All home remedies for calluses have anti-inflammatory properties and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.
Calluses - Remove them with 4 home remedies

Calluses  are a kind of defensive reaction of the body. They appear on the skin when it is rubbed or pressed by material, shoes or an object such as a pen or shovel.

When the body realizes that an area of ​​the epidermis is at risk of developing painful corns, it immediately sends a signal that the area needs thickening and strengthening of the skin. Such bumps are just  calluses . If you want to deal with them naturally, be sure to read on.

As we mentioned, calluses are the result of the body’s defensive reaction to friction or pressure. However, this does not mean that they are completely innocent and we should leave them alone. In fact, they are not only unsightly, but can also be painful or even bleed.

To protect yourself from their formation, it is best to act prophylactically – choosing the right footwear or wearing gloves for physical work. However, when they do occur, it is worth reaching for natural methods that are effective and safe. Here are 5 of them:

1. Garlic paste for calluses

Garlic is a product with endless health and cosmetic properties. It is no different in the case of calluses, which can also be treated with garlic and olive oil. Here’s a recipe for this simple treatment:

Garlic - a method for calluses

Needed ingredients

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)

How to prepare and apply?

  • Chop a clove of garlic or use a juicer or mortar.
  • Add the olive oil and mix until you get a paste.
  • Cover the calluses with the prepared paste and cover the skin.

2. Calluses? Try the leek and vinegar

Leek is not only a tasty and low-calorie vegetable, but also a source of vitamin C, your skin’s ally. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a natural disinfectant. Together with the leek, it is therefore an ideal combination for calluses.

Foot bath

What will you need?

  • 1 cup of white vinegar (200 ml)
  • 1/2 season
  • rubber spatula

What should i do?

  • Pour the vinegar into a glass.
  • Peel the season.
  • Place the leek in the vinegar and let it sit for 24 hours.
  • Use the leek leaves to wrap around the area of ​​skin where calluses are visible.
  • Press down gently with a spatula.
  • Cover the skin after the procedure so as not to expose yourself to infection.

3. Bath for feet with chamomile

Foot bath for calluses

Attention! The following proportions are intended for calluses on the feet. In the case of calluses on other areas of the skin, it is worth adjusting the proportions to your needs.

What will you need?

  • 12 glasses of water (3 liters)
  • 2 cups of chamomile flowers or 12 bags of chamomile tea (120 g)
  • a bowl for soaking the feet

What should i do?

  • Heat the water and add flowers or tea bags.
  • When the infusion is ready, strain or take out the bags.
  • Pour the liquid into a bowl and dip your feet into it.
  • The water should be warm, but not hot.
  • When the water has cooled down, remove your feet.
  • Repeat for several days until calluses are gone.

In other parts of the body than the feet, instead of a bath may be better left to wraps or compresses of chamomile.

4. Calendula ointment

Calendula not only softens and moisturizes the skin, but also has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates skin regeneration. The following recipe will work well for calluses as well as acne or skin discoloration. There is enough home ointment for everything!

Calendula cream for calluses

What will you need?

  • 3 cups of olive oil (600 g)
  • 1 cup of marigold flowers (60 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of beeswax (45 g)
  • sieve
  • glass jar

What should i do?

  • Soak the marigold petals in olive oil for 40 days.
  • After this time, drain the flowers and heat the oil in a double pan.
  • Add the beeswax to the hot oil and cook it until it melts.
  • Quickly pour the mixture into the jar before it solidifies.
  • Set aside to cool.
  • Use like any other ointment to effectively heal calluses.

All the methods described today are completely natural and safe. Thanks to them, without side effects, you will get rid of calluses and you will enjoy smooth and beautiful skin.

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